hey champ, my puter hasnt been able to log on to OL for days, so i havent been able to reply.
Easy answer - They are grouse, the most under-rated fourby of recent times, driven right, its damn scary where thay will go in stock form, and with good rubber and a 40mm lift on the suspension they are really good.
As you would have found, on road they are very nice to drive, and with a few mods go like a cut cat

. Made in japan with light truck quality driveline, gal dipped body, very well made trim and fittings. VERY RELIABLE..
With a v6 auto of that year you have one of the most trouble free versions, if its an SE then its got lots of goodies on it, monty is even better. You will pay the price in higher fuel use around town with the auto, but its still only around 15/100 or there abouts, far better than cruisers/patrols prados etc..
Look for torn cv boots on the front, and while there have a look at the bulletproof front end components, with upper AND lower travell limiters - TOYOTA please learn something LOL... ie - no front end failures with these babies - snatch in reverse at your hearts content

no blown diffs etc.
It will have a slight play in the steering column at centre, this is perfectly normal for all jacks, as is a rear door squeak from the plastic wedge under the main door, thats an easy fix.
The v6 will also probably have a slight valvetrain tick, again perfectly normal, thay run a bucket shim arrangement and all make some noise while being within the clearances. Dont be shy of revving them out, they love it.
Ummm i'm stuggling here

they really are an awesome vehicle, i'm on my second post 98 version and wouldnt hesitate to get another tomorrow if i had to.
hope this helps some, for more info check out australia4wd.com and head to the isuzu section, cheers