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Wifes likes the Jack (So much she bought one)

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 5:32 pm
by bj42turbo
Feel like I have stepped over to the dark side here. The wife has decided she wants a fourby so off we went to drive some today, all the common ones Toyota, Nissan, Mitsubishi but the nicest to drive was a Jack a V6 2002 model auto. So what are the common faults best years (1997-2002) etc. It wont be a hard core 4by the odd easy trip but lots of camping with the kids etc.


Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 7:16 pm
How did you manage to test drive all these cars before 10am?

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 7:20 pm
by bj42turbo
CRUSHU wrote:How did you manage to test drive all these cars before 10am?
I watched the Brock specials before 10am :D
V8 Super cars dont hold the same appeal since brock retired years ago


Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 7:05 pm
by bj42turbo
Hmm no replys does this mean they are crap


Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 1:33 pm
by sudso
No they're not crap, they have less problems than most others provided they are used within their limits and serviced properly.
I dont know how reliable the auto's are but my neighbour has this same model auto which his wife drives (and doesn't have much respect for it I might add i.e. starts car on cold morning and takes off like a bullet!)

They cant be too bad, Brocky came second in the 98 Playstation Rally in a stock standard one of these (3.5 manual) and Bruce Garland came 1st in a modified one :cool:

If you really want to know more about them ring Bruce Garland at his business in Sydney, he has played with them for years.


Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 1:24 am
by bradley
hey champ, my puter hasnt been able to log on to OL for days, so i havent been able to reply.

Easy answer - They are grouse, the most under-rated fourby of recent times, driven right, its damn scary where thay will go in stock form, and with good rubber and a 40mm lift on the suspension they are really good.

As you would have found, on road they are very nice to drive, and with a few mods go like a cut cat :lol: . Made in japan with light truck quality driveline, gal dipped body, very well made trim and fittings. VERY RELIABLE..

With a v6 auto of that year you have one of the most trouble free versions, if its an SE then its got lots of goodies on it, monty is even better. You will pay the price in higher fuel use around town with the auto, but its still only around 15/100 or there abouts, far better than cruisers/patrols prados etc..

Look for torn cv boots on the front, and while there have a look at the bulletproof front end components, with upper AND lower travell limiters - TOYOTA please learn something LOL... ie - no front end failures with these babies - snatch in reverse at your hearts content ;) no blown diffs etc.

It will have a slight play in the steering column at centre, this is perfectly normal for all jacks, as is a rear door squeak from the plastic wedge under the main door, thats an easy fix.

The v6 will also probably have a slight valvetrain tick, again perfectly normal, thay run a bucket shim arrangement and all make some noise while being within the clearances. Dont be shy of revving them out, they love it.

Ummm i'm stuggling here :? they really are an awesome vehicle, i'm on my second post 98 version and wouldnt hesitate to get another tomorrow if i had to.

hope this helps some, for more info check out and head to the isuzu section, cheers


Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 8:03 am
Can't really help with the engine /trans side of things as mine is a Diesel manual. But the rest of the drivetrain is excellent. I run a bit of lift and 32x11.5s and it is very capable off road. They just eat up the highway miles. Very comfortable with a great seating position.
Well worth buying.

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 8:33 pm
by mudtrooper
my wife has a 98 v6 auto a bit thirsty around town. we had it put on lpg about 5 months ago , a lot better now. worth spending $3500. we now have 70lt gas and 60lt petrol

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 3:28 pm
by lay80n
Check proper service has been done religiously. I have seen a fair few kill bearings due to poor service history, and it aint cheap if they really spit the biscut. Fuel economy will have you crying , esp the v6 auto. Offroad they are average, front end sucks for travel (IFS) and tends to chew out tyres pretty bad. Overall not a bad rig, unfortunatley i used to work for holden, so all i saw were busted examples. Diesels are different though, and all i would say about them is - RUN AWAY. Some go fine, others are just terrible, blowing up bigtime. Multiple re-works have failed to fix this, so in reality just easier to stay away IMHO. PM nemesis off this site, he just wrote a 4wd monthly feature on Jackeroos and should be able to help you out. I think i wrote him a long PM that might have some info that could help.

As for no front end failures Bradley, have a go dude ;), i can tell you they do bust when you try to drive something hard (crawling too, no throttle happy stuff) :twisted:


Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 6:02 pm
by bj42turbo
Thanks guys for your info, she is now looking at a 93 model with around 160,000 with the 3.2 any issues


Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 1:04 pm
by bj42turbo
Well she traded in the VT Supercharged Commodore on a 93 Jackaroo


Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 1:07 am
by sudso
So how does one trade in a s/c VT for a 93 Jack? Are the VT's really worth less than a 93 Jack?

Well done anyway. As long as the missus is happy.

So when are you going to start modding it?