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Engine carks it going up hill

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2003 8:45 pm
by MKPatrolGuy
OK I got my Patrol almost finished last night so I when for a qiuck test drive. The only problem I had was that going up a fairly steep hill I could drive for about 15 seconds then the motor would start to cough and carry on then conk out. :?

It is a 400 Chev with a Quadrajet carby.

What is happening? Running out of fuel is what it feels like.

And how do I fix it?


Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2003 10:10 pm
by Dozoor
You will probly find the oppisite mk, as you put the car up at the front the floats let the carb over fill and the fuel runs from this runs striaght down the the throat,
there are a few tricks to get past it , all in all they just wern,t designed for angles,
you can start by checking the float levels, if there correct and it still flooding you may be able to lower the levels a touch , If you do this make shore you do a plug check at freeway speeds as to atian it isn,t leaning out with the lower levels..

Re: Engine carks it going up hill

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2003 10:16 pm
by MissDrew
MKPatrolGuy wrote:
And how do I fix it?

Its very simpal really, just don`t drive up hills :finger:

Re: Engine carks it going up hill

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2003 11:06 pm
by bogged
Fuel injection!

good to see ya finally got it going.

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2003 10:11 am
by MKPatrolGuy
Thanks for the advise, I'll check it out.

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2003 11:12 am
by 2car
Yeah, float bowl level.

Your engine has been sitting for a while yeah? Has the carb been overhauled recently - you may have some gunk in there. Also check the fuel pump - it may be on it's last legs and just able to deliver when on the flat. It may also be a little gunked up if the motor has been sitting for a while.

It's hard to beat Qjet for an off road SBC carb. I turned mine 180degrees with a combination of adapter plates. Works brilliantly.

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2003 11:28 am
by MKPatrolGuy
2car wrote:Yeah, float bowl level.

Your engine has been sitting for a while yeah? Has the carb been overhauled recently - you may have some gunk in there. Also check the fuel pump - it may be on it's last legs and just able to deliver when on the flat. It may also be a little gunked up if the motor has been sitting for a while.

It's hard to beat Qjet for an off road SBC carb. I turned mine 180degrees with a combination of adapter plates. Works brilliantly.

Yeah hasn't been run for quite a while, and hasn't been rebuilt?overhauled. How do I check the float level? I have to change the fuel pump as it is the standard Nissan one atm to get it going., I have another one to go on.

What adaptor plates did you use to turn it around?

thanks for the help.

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2003 12:19 pm
by V8Patrol
had the same delimah.... soloution was LPG and with a 400 chevy you may aswell start thinking about it...
I use LPG 100% of the time for off road driving, it allows all sorts of angles, never floods the motor, doesnt cough or splutter in rough terain, and is 1/2 the price of petrol. I NEVER use petrol off road anymore but its there for heavy towing or as a "reserve " tank .

Get a small LPG tank ( about 40lits) and fit it up on the passengers side behind the transfer...... wont interfer with ground clearence, engineers in Vic demand sole LPG for 99% V8 conversions....yeah yeah I know New south welsh men , and diff rules ! :finger:

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2003 5:59 pm
by MKPatrolGuy
I'm going to go LPG, Tank and converter are still there from the old motor, just was hoping to get it running properly for the time being.

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2003 10:54 am
by V8Patrol
I run the 40 lit tank behind the was the first tank I fitted when the 6 was in, When I fitted the first V8 I pulled the fueltank out and fitted an additional 80lit LPG tank directly behind the diff, there was about a 200 mm gap from the LPG tank to the rear chassis rail and I made up a 38 lit petrol tank that fits there.
120 lits total LPG.
38 lits petrol, + the option of a gerrycan when ya run out!

Like I said in the previous thread ...I now use the petrol as a "reserve tank" and its a great system ( so far any way ! ). The lpg off road is excelent and hasnt failed once, its smooth in its power/torque delivery regardless of the terain.

I'll get a pic of the rear tanks setup later for ya. ( the front tank is currently out while I do the 350 chev/5spd conversion, it is going back in this week sometime.)

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2003 3:11 pm
by V8Patrol
pics as promised
( ARB sticker was lying around .... so now it has somewhere to live ! )

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2003 9:38 pm
by MKPatrolGuy
Cool, Thanks for the pics :)

One other quick question which of the 2 wires (plain white & white with a black trace) that originally went to the nissan alt go to the single spade connector on the back of the chev (Bosch I think?) alt?

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2003 9:23 am
by V8Patrol
The white goes directly to the battery from the alt.

The white with black trace runs to the std nissan reg.

The std nissan alt runs an external regulator ( bolted up on the firewall )
the bosh,lucas,ingham alternators all run internal regs.

lefthand right shoulder the nissan reg.

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2003 9:28 am
by MKPatrolGuy
V8Patrol wrote:The white goes directly to the battery from the alt.

The white with black trace runs to the std nissan reg.

The std nissan alt runs an external regulator ( bolted up on the firewall )
the bosh,lucas,ingham alternators all run internal regs.

lefthand right shoulder the nissan reg.

I have the chunky white wires connected to the bolt on the alt but what wire do I plug onto the single terminal on the back of the alt? I think it is charging but my charge light on the dash stays on :?

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2003 9:34 am
by bogged
MKPatrolGuy wrote:I have the chunky white wires connected to the bolt on the alt but what wire do I plug onto the single terminal on the back of the alt? I think it is charging but my charge light on the dash stays on :?

Take a drive down the Otways to V8's place Dave...!

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2003 9:46 am
by MKPatrolGuy
bogged wrote:
MKPatrolGuy wrote:I have the chunky white wires connected to the bolt on the alt but what wire do I plug onto the single terminal on the back of the alt? I think it is charging but my charge light on the dash stays on :?

Take a drive down the Otways to V8's place Dave...!

Just gotta get the zorst done, she's still a bit loud at the moment :cool:

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2003 10:42 am
by V8Patrol
sorry ..... I didn't really answer the question did I

step 1
the solid white wire goes from the battery to the power out terminal on the alt ( the bolt one).

step 2
you should have a white with blue trace wire and a white with a black trace also comming from the original setup. either wire will work but I'll use the white/blue combo for the description.
put a female spade conector onto the white/blue wire and plug into the "D+" outlet in the back of the alt.

step 3
left hand right shoulder the nissan regulator ( its bolted onto the firewall), in the gang plug that went to the nissan reg there should be 5 wires...
white with red trace
white with black trace
white with blue trace
conect the white with red trace to the white with blue trace ( use a short bit of wire with 2 male spades on each end).

step 4
the charge light..... get to the wires off of the back of this warning lamp ( easy way is under the dash)....
there should be 2 wires from it
white with red trace
black........ this goes to earth
cut the black wire and conect it to a "+" wire off of the ignition switch that is live when key is in the "on" position

done :D

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2003 10:33 pm
by MKPatrolGuy
Thanks Kingy, your help has been invaluable. I'll definitely have to come down for a drive when yours and mine are both finished.

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2003 9:53 am
by V8Patrol
your on !!!!!!!!!

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2003 6:28 pm
by MKPatrolGuy
:twisted: changed the fuel pump last night...I can now drive up hills :armsup: :D

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2003 7:09 pm
by bogged
MKPatrolGuy wrote::twisted: changed the fuel pump last night...I can now drive up hills :armsup: :D

and your whinging you cant stop now :D :finger: :finger: :finger:

on ya for gettin it happening...