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Disco 1 - installing long range tank

Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 6:53 pm
by TuffRR
Task for tomorrow is to install the long range fuel tank into my D1. Tis a 300tdi.

The tank is second hand and did not come with any additional fittings. Can anyone confirm if it should just be a straight unbolt old tank and bolt in new? Do i need to gain access through the floor from the top? Does a D1 even have an access hole in the floor like in a classic RR?


Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 4:52 pm
by hook
I put in a 140lt Brown Davis in my 98 TDI 5dr.
need to remove sender via cargo area.
need to get longer filler. ( the old plastic was longer then the new metal on the tank)just cut mine in half ( over chassis) and inserted a pice of exhaust pipe. A little fidlly to put the tank up to old mounting hole, but did it by myself, with large trolly jack..

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 4:55 pm
by mickrangie
where were u a week ago???

it's all done!! We just got a longer filler pipe from the local auto shop.....

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 5:08 pm
by TuffRR
hook wrote:I put in a 140lt Brown Davis in my 98 TDI 5dr.
I'm pretty sure this is the same as mine. Its a weird design with the wings on the side hanging down underneath the chassis rails. Hopefully it won't cop to much of a pounding but it has certainly decreased my departure angle.

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 5:23 pm
by mickrangie
TuffRR wrote:
hook wrote:I put in a 140lt Brown Davis in my 98 TDI 5dr.
I'm pretty sure this is the same as mine. Its a weird design with the wings on the side hanging down underneath the chassis rails. Hopefully it won't cop to much of a pounding but it has certainly decreased my departure angle.
and the scotch money when u fill it!! :D