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What model 5 speed did LN111 84 2.4D Hilux have?

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 12:07 pm
by sudso
I've got the chance to buy a reco 5 speed out of an 1984 2.4D Hilux which I want to fit to my 1985 Bundera RJ70 (SWB coil) It had a 22R with a G52 gbox.

Just wondering if it would be the R151 gearbox as that is the one I'm after and would it bolt straight up to the Bundy's cruiser split style transfer case.

I'm new to Toyota's and cant find this info in the yota bible sticky (cannot find page) from the link.

I need the stronger R151 as I'm putting a hi-torque Holden straight 6 in front of it. And yes, it will fit, just. Just have to run a thermo fan to save space.

Cheers, sudso

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 1:39 pm
by sudso
Just took a drive and had a look at the box in the Hilux.

It's not an R151.

It's got G52 stamped on the ID plate under the hood so I guess it's the same G52 as the Bundy but with a different arse end to suit the Hilux transfer case.
I suppose I could swap the arse end of the Bundy's G52 onto the Hilux G52 to fit the Bundy tranfers case.

I will probably have to get an input shaft made to suit the Holden clutch and spigot???

It's been reco'd and hasn't done heaps of kays so I'm thinking it might be alright behind a 173 ci Holden 6.

Just have to barter with the brother in law for a good price now!

Cheers, sudso