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110 vs. 109 Literature?
Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 8:43 am
A workshop manual (and miscellaneous literature) for 90, 110 (the early kind too, "One Ten"?) and Defender (until 1992) is pretty much useless for 109's (Stage One specifically), right?
What specific things are different and identical between these models? Am I better off hunting down something for the 109/Series 3?
Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 12:12 pm
The drivetrain of the stage 1 is basically the same as a V8 one-ten. So the manual for that model 110 will be a lot of help on the stage 1.
The "proper" manual, is a Series 3 manual PLUS a "Stage 1" supplement (I have one - can copy it for you in a couple of weeks if you want). But a one-ten V8 manual and a Series 3 manual would cover everything anyway.
Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 9:09 am
So, a One Ten is more or less a Stage One with coils and a more civilised interior? How about the frame?
I would love a copy of that supplement manual of yours, highly appreciated!
I understand the content related to the drivetrain and engine is pretty much the only things of interest in my workshop manual? I did learn that they had a completely different fuel/tank system.
Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 1:32 pm
A One-ten is basically a stage 1 with a lengthened range rover chassis (with SIII outriggers and crossmember of course) - and coils, discs, wider axles, etc.
But a lot of parts are slightly different, so not interchangeable (or interchangeable but different).
Will see what I can do when my manual arrives here - pm me your address.
Drivetrain and engine, but many other things are close enough that you could get by with just the one-ten manual.