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Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 4:54 pm
by Badass Bundy
Gday boys,
Im asking for all your opinions.
I just put my car in the shop to get the transfer case replaced as it packed it in last weekend at City View. So now im thinking about selling the SWB Paj
Im thinking of buying a SWB Patrol/Cruiser;
or I will just put a rear locker in the Paj.
Im just finding it a really pain in the ass (might be my driving, cos i push it hard) as i get a breakages frequently. Im just wanting something tougher, and with more power
Thanks in advance for your opinions.
Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 5:04 pm
by Zute
While you've got the box out, get some Gearmaster gears fitted.

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 5:09 pm
by Reddo
Paj is a good road car, but they lack off perfomaance road in a number of areas, eg., the front end is not as good as a solid axle set up.
I also think they are too expensive to repair. A lot of this has to do with the lack of aftermarket parts for them compared to Yotas, Nissans and Rovers. So when anything breaks, you're up for large amounts of folding stuff.
The auto tranny is susceptable to overheating when used hard off road, and this will damage the unit over time - and can cost up to 4K to repair. Engines can also wear out faster than others when treated harshly - rekon on getting piston slap, high oil consumption (and leaks), valve rattles and so on when they get over 200 000Ks, depending on service history, treatment and engine type. 3L and 3.5 have enough power but 4cyl is underpowered.
Overall they are a good car particulalry as a family bus but they just lack a bit for off road perfomance. Perhaps consider selling while you can and if you're serious about off-road performance, buy what everyone else has, unless of course you want to invest in the Paj and fit solid front etc!.
Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 5:14 pm
by Badass Bundy
thanks for the reply guys. yeah i know, my mechanic quoted me just under $4000 to fix the transfer case and gearbox. i nearly had a heart attack!!
the thing is i dont use my car for anything else than 4wding. cos i catch public transport to work.
also i got the 4 cyl and it has major acceleration troubles.
and no im not putting gearmaster gear fitted Zute
any more opinions??
Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 6:57 pm
by klrevo
i dunno, but sounds like a new mechanic perhaps??? you use this guy heaps??? my mech sorts me out pretty good. Usually charges cases of beer, and sometimes the cost of parts. Timing belt change, all belts changed, cam seal changed, oil pressure switch change, 13 hours in the shop, cost me $200.
dunno if thats about right, but $4000 on a transfer seemes a bit exxy. Buy NH Pajero's Pajero. Hes got $3800 on it. Or yeh, alternatively buy a swb/mwb cruiser. Iv always wanted one.
but the prices of some of the work ppl have posted seems rediculous sometimes. I also just got, full service, front output shaft seal and soldered up the welsch plug for oil leak, but then still leaking, so he replaced the yoke, and uni on the front shaft, $230.
Id think about a new mech before id pay $4000 for a transfer. Iv always found my mech to be pretty good, and doing my own services on the paj work out pretty decent too....
Iv been pretty lucky with my paj though. lets hope it continues as i plan to take him round oz.

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 7:08 pm
by known 2
hey tim, 4k is alot to fix a transfer and gearbox even a cruiser box is only 2k to rebuild.
so it may be worth selling up rather than fixing so u can gain more power and power steering, if u wana stick with the brand check out the later model nj-nl swb 3.5l v6 they say the drivline in these is up to nisan strenth, and i have seen them for sale as low as 7k for the imports and u would be able to transfer alot of your old parts over to it.
other than that being a yota man buy a bj73
Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 7:14 pm
by Badass Bundy
thanks boys for ur input.
looking at SWB GQ's mainly. heard they are tough as guts.
but also my paj "apparently" is hard to find parts for. Mechanic said he "searched mostly all wreckers for another transfer case, but most of them have super select" and i dont have super select.
quoted me $1700 just to fix transfer case.
ahh the agony!!!!!!!
Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 7:24 pm
by -Scott-
OK, break it down for us. You say your transfer packed it in, but the $4k is for "transfer and gearbox." What's wrong with the gearbox?
I wonder how much a Commodore V6 conversion would cost...
Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 7:30 pm
by klrevo
would come in close to $4000, but depends on the engine you pick up, best bet, pick up a whole vn or vr/s, for under a grand, buy the adapter and do a lot yourself. Wouldnt be $4000, depends how much you need other ppl to do it for you. Put the $4000 into a SAS
yeh, id be questioniong what is costing $4000??? pretty rounded off figure...

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 8:37 pm
by Badass Bundy
yeah mechanic said the gearbox will probably go within 6 months, so i told him to leave it and just do the transfer case.
$1500 for transfer case repair and $200 for labor
thanks for the info guys, appreciate it.
Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 5:37 pm
by known 2
swb gq's are tough yes. but need to be moded to get them capable and even then i see them strugle to get places hiluxes go, they just seem to hit stuff and bounce back, though your call the paj is cool cos it's diferent a bit unique and the 3.5 paj is tough as
Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 6:12 pm
by -Scott-
Carefully define what you really want to do with it.
If you're keen to keep up with the hardest of the hardcore, then a Paj is not the best place to start.
If you want a capable 4by for a weekend fun toy, and are happy to NOT be able to drive EVERY track, then keep thinking about your plans.
I look at "typical" mods performed by most 4by enthusiasts - locker, lift and tyres - and there's not many places a Pajero with those mods can't go.
What are your limitations?
Power? The 2.6 can make a lot more than it ever did out of the Mitsubishi factory. Work out how much power you want.
Tyres? Most members here can tell you how to fit 33s. Larger is probably beyond readily available gearing options, so Mitsi may not be your best choice.
Articulation? The rear can be freed up significantly, and with lockers front and rear, it's not as big a limitation. Quite often, a climbing vehicle doesn't have enough weight over the front wheels to articulate anyway - IFS or not.
Breakages? Not sure what to do about gearbox and transfer, but your CVs can be replaced with the V6 units. Lockers front and rear should reduce drivetrain shock, and reduce drivetrain breakages.
FWIW, I saw a yellow shorty Pajero at LCMP, with supercharged 2.6, ARB rear and CIG front lockers. There wasn't much he couldn't drive.
If you believe your Paj will never be enough, I think GQ/Mav shorty would be my next choice.
Good luck,
Re: mech
Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 11:44 pm
by j-top paj
klrevo wrote:Buy NH Pajero's Pajero.
NO! buy J-tops pajero

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 8:40 am
by Badass Bundy
thanks for your inputs guys!
yeh Scott i already have 2" susp lift, 2" body lift, 33x12.5's on the Paj.
no power steering

so i dont want to get a locker for the front but have been thinking of getting one for the rear for quite some time.
maybe thats the way to go to limit breakages.
just hard to get parts for my Paj but eaiser for say like a GQ
ahhhh i dont know!!!!

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 3:54 pm
by PajeroSRV
My 2 Cents,
Go get a second hand transfer case and whack it in. You're talking about $600. Being a Paj bugger all of them will have ever been used in low range and should be in pretty much mint condition. (They are around, just have to hunt).
With that, put in a set of crawler gears (why don't you want some??) and a FRONT locker. Although you don't have PWR Steer, a correctly setup manual locker will not screw up your steering, and front lockers do a helluva lot more for you in terms of offroad capability than rear (contrary to what our pals at ARB would have you believe). Especially since you already have quite a good LSD you'll be virtuall twin locked. Checkout for more on that.
All up you are looking at a couple of grand (600 tfr case, 600 locker 1100 crawler gears) and you'll keep up with any pootrol that you want to. With the car setup that way you can drive with very little right foot and avoid the expensive breakages etc as you'll have the gearing and constant drive to back you up.
You can also chuck on a set of 35's and really embarass em if you like. (Highly recommended).
End of story (don't let anyone tell you otherwise).

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 10:00 am
by NCpaj
keep the paj!
as scott said the 2.6 can make HEAPS of power they did a thing in 4wdm a while back on how to get power from the 2.6.
i reckon go the rear locker
Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 12:24 pm
by j-top paj
PajeroSRV wrote:
and you'll keep up with any pootrol that you want to
i wouldnt go as far as saying that. but maybe close..
my pootrol isnt "big" compared to others around and there is a noticeable difference to that and my paj.
my paj has 33s, rear locker and other factory goodies but it still lacks a fair bit of flex in the front as compared to a pootrol.
i took my paj out for a run a few weeks ago and drove a track that i would do with ease in my pootrol and i got stuck
pajeros are good offroad but there is a noticeable difference between them and a pootrol/landlooser etc...
Re: Dilemma!!
Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 12:42 pm
by its fishi
Timmy's Paj wrote:...Im just finding it a really pain in the ass (might be my driving, cos i push it hard) as i get a breakages frequently. ...
-Scott- wrote:...Breakages? Not sure what to do about gearbox and transfer, but your CVs can be replaced with the V6 units. ...
Drive smoother?

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 1:41 pm
by leehamescort
j-top paj wrote:PajeroSRV wrote:
and you'll keep up with any pootrol that you want to
i wouldnt go as far as saying that. but maybe close..
my pootrol isnt "big" compared to others around and there is a noticeable difference to that and my paj.
my paj has 33s, rear locker and other factory goodies but it still lacks a fair bit of flex in the front as compared to a pootrol.
i took my paj out for a run a few weeks ago and drove a track that i would do with ease in my pootrol and i got stuck
pajeros are good offroad but there is a noticeable difference between them and a pootrol/landlooser etc...
The key is the front lokka

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 2:52 pm
by PajeroSRV
Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 6:19 pm
by Badass Bundy
i appreciate everyones input.....i really do, however im getting mixed advices here. front locker, rear locker etc etc.... (also that 4wdsystems site says that the Lokka is only available for Paj's in the front) however ARB does the rear....
i think i am confused even more
could be my driving.. could me Paj's capability.. who knows.
getting car back from the mechanics on friday.
Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 6:27 pm
by j-top paj
personally id get a front locker before id get a rear one..
i did that with my pootrol and left the limo in the rear.
the only reason i have the locker in the pajeros rear is because it was a factory option and sumone decided to tick the box