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Should i replace the water pump???

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 2:51 pm
by brett5141
Hi Guys,

I noticed the other day that i had a pin hole in the top of my radiator,
whilst pulling it out today to get the top tank replaced, my neighbour (a mechanic who also works from home) came over and had a look.

Once it was out he grabbed the fan moved it a little and said i should think about replacing the water pump, he says there is movement in it and i should replace it now.
I grabbed it and did not notice much movement and it is also not leaking, he said that it will be about 4 hours work for him and would charge me $160 labour and $55.00 for the pump.

After that i went and spoke to the radiator bloke who said there was no way he would replace it as a tiny bit of movement wont hurt and the Toyota pumps are some of the best he has seen.

What would you do?? should i look at replacing it or (apparently have to take the timing cover off) or just leave it alone.

The vehicle is a 91 Surf turbo deisel 2.4ltr.

Thanks in advance


Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 5:19 pm
by nads
any movement is bad imo. is it weeping (usually from the bottom)? for the cost of a water pump, and the fact it's a one banana job i'd go ahead and swap it.

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 7:04 pm
by eggman
i just replaced the water pump in my 86 4runner.. not sure how the surfs are but on mine theres a hole in the pump casing when the bearing seal/gasket goes it dribbles coolant out which drips out the bottom of the timing cover..

I'm pretty new to diesels/4wd's in general but i changed it with almost no hassle. there was bugger all movement in it also. I'd be inclined to change it out while the radiators out.

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 8:23 pm
by rockcrawler31
here's my two cents

buy a water pump in advance. carry it round in the car. Wait till the pump craps itself and then have a go at replacing it yourself, or under the tutelage of your neighbor, mate whatever. You will learn another job/skill, and won't feel like you have wasted money by replacing something that is not needed.

this is probably only a good idea if you dont have any big trips planned and drive around town a lot so that if it unexpectedly craps out you can get home by topping up the water that leaks out and its only a short trip

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 8:43 pm
by ash_on_mtb
I'm with eggman- in one weekend of working on my 87 runner, after a heater tap corroded out (duly replaced with 'universal' type, I cracked the thermostat cover replacing a leaking gasket (JB welded back together ;) ) and then the coolant started to drip gentle from the pump casing after I flushed and replaced the hoses, I elected to listen to my 'runner's protests and replace it whilst I was at it.

I'm no mechanic, basic skills and deduction, and it took me 3 hours and $60 for the pump. Not even a choice, do it stuuuuuart!

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 8:48 pm
by Shadow
i wouldnt pay $160 for someone to do it

you shouldnt need the radiator out to do the job, fan shround will have to come out though.

did the one on my hj60 in about 3 hours on my own.

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 10:44 pm
by Sic Lux
Also make sure there's no play in the viscous hub (thing that the fan bolts to and then it bolts to pump.Alloy bit) it can cause premature wear my mates pump flogged out he replaced it and not long after it did it again and then he realised it was the hub doing the damage. Just something to check so you don't go through a few pumps before you realise.