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4.625 open diff ???

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 3:52 pm
by Roga
My mate has just bought a gq safari sprint with the rd28t & 5speed.
He has just checked the rear diff (4.6 ratio) and found it to be an open diff not an lsd.
Can he use the front crownwheel & pinion on the rear of a lsd 4.1 diff head to create a 4.6 lsd ???
I realise that the front diff is different from the back but can anyone tell me if the crownwheel & pinion are the same ?

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 9:58 pm
by raptorthumper
No you cant. The gears are cut reverse for the front.

Front gears have spirals going anti-clockwise starting from centre like this


rears have spirals going clockwise starting from centre like this.



Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 1:42 pm
by turps
But I am pretty sure the gears he already has will bolt onto a LSD center no problems.
As these are the same gears that alot of people that run 35's or bigger are chaseing. And they put them into there 4.1 centers or lockers so it should work.
But before he buys a LSD center campare price wise with putting a locker in. Price difference may not be that much.

Re: 4.625 open diff ???

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 10:11 pm
by raptorthumper
Roga wrote: Can he use the front crownwheel & pinion on the rear of a lsd 4.1 diff head to create a 4.6 lsd ???
Yeah, i agree he can use the 4.625 rear crownwheel and pinion and fit to an LSD 4.1, but he did say front crownwheel and pinion. Maybe someone has given him a spare front diff. I dont know.?