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Yet another Exo V Internal cage Post
Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2003 10:22 am
by Pesky Pete
Starting to make some progress on my Lux Playtoy and want to have it ready for comps next year. Hoping to be ready or part ready for ASCC Rd 1. Anyway, have most of the plans sorted now, but one nagging question remains!! Do I go internal or EXO on my Gen1 Lux.
I have been planning for an EXO all along, but now that I am about to commit and start building it, I thought I would see what everone thought. Lux will be registered, but not daily driven
Have an exo all planned out, but if internal is the go, suggestions and pics would be appreciated. I've looked through archives and there are loads of pics about but not that many showing mounting ets which is what Im more interested in.
Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2003 10:40 am
by greg
This comment isn't really Lux related, but i think it may be a good general rule:
If it is a hard top, and you care about the body - an exo cage would make sense.
However, if you are only wanting the cage to act as a safety devise that you are only going to use once to protect yourself (and other occupants), and you accept that replacing the car (or at least the roof) will be something you are happy to do, then go internal i guess?
It really depends on what you are going to do with the car once its completed. i.e. are you going to put it into situations where it is going to be rolled regularly, or, is the cage just for added safety?
Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2003 11:01 am
by grimbo
I have an exo on my Zuk for a couple of reasons.
1. It is a hardtop and i wanted to protect the windscreen surround as it is not as easy to repair as a panel
2. Because it is a small cab and I'm 6'4" and internal cage would take up too much valuable room in the cab.
I'd suspect that you may have these problems to contend with an early Hilux cab, so I'd suggest going the exo route too. look at POS hilux or on Pirate for a whole bunch of Hiluxs with exos to get a good idea. There is one beautiful exo on a greeny Hilux that is exo but also goes into the body work for a very subtle looking cage. I'm hoping someone knows what I'm referring to and will post a pic of it
Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2003 11:52 am
by Thor
more pictures of it than you can poke a stick at

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2003 1:07 pm
by 308LUX
there was a thread a couple of weeks ago all about exo's started by bubs i think
ohh and as far as i know you need a engineers cert for an internal but not exo.
go the exo. looks tuff

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2003 6:28 pm
by Pesky Pete
Hey 308 Lux I did SEARCH MAN SEARCH before posting. I think that you may not have actually read the question. Your right, there are hundreds of Pics of EXO's on this site and I have followed these threads with more that a passing interest.
What I wanted to know is does anyone think that Internals are better and what is the best way to go about it. Search for pics of internal cages, particularly pics of mountings etc and you'll come up with a handful of results.
So thanks for your comments, I want a cage that is functional and tuff looks dont matter. The vast majority of people say go EXO and I wanted to hear the other side of the argument.
Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2003 6:42 pm
Peter an internal can be built stronger but is a pita to get around all your dash and seats. In the long run it will prob hold up on a hard roll better than an external.
I went Exo because i like grinding and not reversing or re-aligning for an obstical so it will protect my panels and should also handle a decent roll. In a hard roll no matter what im going to have to replace the body or panels but at least with an exo i can flop it multiple times and know there is a good chance i have no panel damage.
Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2003 6:54 pm
by Rvl
I have both an internal and an external.
The internal is for my safety and the external is to prevent (not eliminate)damage to the body.
Robert VanLane