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Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2003 6:01 pm
by junior
Just a few quick questions,need some advise on my mq shorty diesel plz.

1. What is the norm opperating temp of an SD33,It can sit running for at least half an hour and dosn't go over the (c) mark.Ive been informed that diesels should run at a hotter temp.

2. I have just purchased a pre fillter box from a lwb nissan turbo after going thru a gregorys manual and seeing it in there.I thought that the unit from my mq may have got the flick long ago.Do the non turbo mq's use the pre filter aswell as the turbo models,i cant see it effecting the standard sd33 to much,could it be good for it if using a snorkle.

Im missing the hoses/tubes for this unit if anyone out there can help,there like hens teeth second hand.Do purple pig have any hoses like these?

Help would be much appreciated.

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2003 8:26 pm
by Screwy
ive got the standard SD33 and itd got a prefilter, normal filter, and snorkel and runs well, no probs there, helps so u dont need to replace the filters so much.
Mine runs about the same temp, possibly abit higher at idle depending on how hot it is outside......
though when im going 100km or more for any length of time she heats up to abit over the half way mark.
