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Disco or range rover
Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 10:59 pm
by simo toyo
hey guys i'm a prospective rover customer, and i just wanted to know the best buys in this catagory. you know up to bout $15,000. What u guys reckon? & where are the best places to look? i think after what i have now something with a bit of comfort and potential weekend warrior usage is what i'm after.
Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 7:50 am
by TRobbo
not sure exactly what you are after but you shouldbe able to get something very capable for that... a club member has recently advertised his 93 3 door disco for sale -
4.6 Hi comp motor (40,000 km)
winch bar
new 4 core radiator and viscous fan
dual batteries
rebuilt auto
sump & diff guards
275 x 70 at's
4.11 diffs
f&r lockers
etc etc etc
Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 9:26 am
by Loanrangie
A late model series 1 disco either V8 or tdi auto, great all round vehicle with comfort and ability.
Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 9:35 am
by TuffRR
If you want it to do harder off-road stuff, buy a cheapie and spend your left over cash on upgrading the drivetrain.
Both are as good as each other off road, as they are effectively the same vehicle with just a different shell.
Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 12:18 pm
by cloughy
Disco's are ugly

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 2:34 pm
by Loanrangie
cloughy wrote:Rangie......
Disco's are ugly

I have both, but he said comfort so disco is my vote. For extreme offroad then of course a rangie.
Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 2:49 pm
by Loanrangie
cloughy wrote:Rangie......
Disco's are ugly

Cant be ugly when they are essentially the same vehicle

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 4:02 pm
by cloughy
That hump in the roof

just gives me a soft

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 5:45 pm
by oildripa
Comfort ...Rangie
Off road ability ...Rangie
Disco's are ok , but Rangies have it over them on so many different levels ...little things to big things , as previously said buy a good late model rangie and spend up on accessories to suit your needs .
Disco's are ok , but just that ...
Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 7:43 pm
by 6.5 rangie
If your on the tall side then you'll hate the disco because you don't fit behind the wheel and the wind screen doesn't go up high enough so your ducking to look under the visor.
get a cheap Rangie and spend bucks on the driveline as said before
Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 8:28 pm
by Aquarangie
Rangie for me. They have a shitload more character to start with.
I've owned a Disco in the past and it's hard to explain that I find them cheap and nasty compared to a Rangie. While they're essentially the same vehicle mechanically, I still think that Rangies just have that bit extra to make them a more comfortable unit on and off-road.
Also Rangies are better balanced off-road. I always felt that the Disco would tip over and was very unsettling.
Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 9:15 pm
by Loanrangie
I think you guys are missing the point, he doest want an offroad weapon by the sounds of it but a late model comfortable dual purpose vehicle and an old rangie doesnt cut it unless you are prepared to spend all your spare time and money maitaining it. I love my rangie's for the fact that i could treat them like crap because it was old and had nil resale value but even a late 94 classic is going to start costing big $ to keep on the road - that is a fact of life for old cars in general. Aquarangie, i dont know what your smoking but the little extra roof height of a disco does F all to the COG and there would barely be a bee's dick of a difference between the 2 apart from the body style and exterior panels. I have owned rangie's for 13 years and we have had them in the family since 73'.
Rangies are good because they are easier to modify and they just a big mecano set anyway.
Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 6:38 am
by 6.5 rangie
He wants something with a bit of comfort and a weekend warrior. So a modded early would be perfect seen as though he has/had an FJ40. i think an early would be heaps more comfortable
Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 12:24 pm
by b_mac
the wind screen doesn't go up high enough
AFAIK the Disco and Rangie windcreen are the same ( interchangable ) its just that the Disco roof line is higher at the front, as well as the back. Is the seating higher in a Disco? or would a tall person be banging their head on the roof of a Rangie?
The reason for the "hump" at the back is so you can fit 2 adults in the rear jump seats ( if fitted ) but its best if they are shortish. Some people hate the look, but I like it.
The Disco was designed and marketed as the affordable Rangie. I guess the snobs amongst us can't/wont forget that
It depends on what you want, hey.
110 Isuzu County now,
but had a V8 SE7 Disco.
Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 12:44 pm
by Aquarangie
Loanrangie wrote: Aquarangie, i dont know what your smoking but the little extra roof height of a disco does F all to the COG and there would barely be a bee's dick of a difference between the 2 apart from the body style and exterior panels. I have owned rangie's for 13 years and we have had them in the family since 73'.
Rangies are good because they are easier to modify and they just a big mecano set anyway.
Nothing, have a few beers when I can though
I always felt that the Disco would tip over when I used to drive it off-road, although it doesnt but makes me feel uneasy about the bloody things. I not fussed on the styling either of the Disco hence why I prefer Rangies in all honesty
I would still prefer to drive and old Rangie than a Disco anyday. The Disco may be more refined and quieter, but the Rangies is a shitload more fun
Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 6:21 pm
by 6.5 rangie
its just that the Disco roof line is higher at the front, as well as the back. Is the seating higher in a Disco? or would a tall person be banging their head on the roof of a Rangie?
yeah thats what i meant about the roof thing, the seats must be higher in a disco, i'm 6'4" and have no major probs in a Rangie but a disco, thats a different story. What ever it is i just don't fit right, they aren't made for the tall
Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 6:23 pm
by Aquarangie
6.5 rangie wrote:its just that the Disco roof line is higher at the front, as well as the back. Is the seating higher in a Disco? or would a tall person be banging their head on the roof of a Rangie?
yeah thats what i meant about the roof thing, the seats must be higher in a disco, i'm 6'4" and have no major probs in a Rangie but a disco, thats a different story. What ever it is i just don't fit right, they aren't made for the tall
I have a mate whos 6ft2 in height and has a Disco. Finds the head height much better than his old 86 Rangie. Interesting
Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2006 8:12 am
by TRobbo
Aquarangie wrote:6.5 rangie wrote:its just that the Disco roof line is higher at the front, as well as the back. Is the seating higher in a Disco? or would a tall person be banging their head on the roof of a Rangie?
yeah thats what i meant about the roof thing, the seats must be higher in a disco, i'm 6'4" and have no major probs in a Rangie but a disco, thats a different story. What ever it is i just don't fit right, they aren't made for the tall
I have a mate whos 6ft2 in height and has a Disco. Finds the head height much better than his old 86 Rangie. Interesting
I was thinking the same thing. I'm 6' 1" and have had 2 rangies (82 & 87) before the current disco. I find I have more head room in the disco. Everytime I went over a bump in the rangie I had to duck.
Perhaps he has lowered the seat?
Cargo room in the rear of the series 1 disco seems more restricted than the rangie... but I prefer the disco
Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2006 12:04 pm
by Reddo
you know the Disco was designed with more head room cause the poms complained they could not sit in a Rangie with a tweed or bowler hat on. It def has more headsroom. I'm over 6 foot tall and I have never sat in a car with so much headroom!!
Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2006 2:05 pm
by Aquarangie
Reddo wrote:you know the Disco was designed with more head room cause the poms complained they could not sit in a Rangie with a tweed or bowler hat on. It def has more headsroom. I'm over 6 foot tall and I have never sat in a car with so much headroom!!
Don't bother me, I'm a short arse anyway and the Rangie has plenty for my height.
Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2006 7:49 pm
by mopar rangie
now i got both.a 2 door rangie bush basher and a disco2 with ACE and 18s.the rangie is great in the bush and if ya bend it a bit it dont matter.on the other hand,how much to get a new front or rear guard for a D2.if ya going to spend 14grand you could get one hell of a good rangie,all set up well with everything you ever want and anything you bend or bust will be cheap second can buy old 2 doors for next to nothing...but then the rangie dont corner like a D2 with ACE.
Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 3:25 pm
by MacMan
6.5 rangie wrote:
its just that the Disco roof line is higher at the front, as well as the back. Is the seating higher in a Disco? or would a tall person be banging their head on the roof of a Rangie?
yeah thats what i meant about the roof thing, the seats must be higher in a disco, i'm 6'4" and have no major probs in a Rangie but a disco, thats a different story. What ever it is i just don't fit right, they aren't made for the tall
I am 6'6" and I can't sit in a Rangie. Too low in the roofline, and the ergonomics feel NQR. My Disco on the other hand has heaps of headroom, and while I have to stand on the clutch from outside the car to get my leg in I am far more comfortable once folded up. The only PITA is that the top of the windscreen is too low and tinted to boot. There are NO non tinted replacement screens available anywhere, but I had Les Richmond fit one that had less tinting than the one the car had.
But to qualify all of this, I am on the freakish side of tall so it won't bother most people.
For what it's worth, I like the way both look, but settled on the Disco because I could get something newer and better looked after than a Rangie.
Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 6:50 pm
by 6.5 rangie
The only PITA is that the top of the windscreen is too low and tinted to boot.
Exactly, i fit in my Rangie better than a disco, although the disco does have more head room
Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 9:04 pm
by Loanrangie
Macman, i had a new non tinted front screen fitted 4 months ago.
Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 8:00 am
by MacMan
Macman, i had a new non tinted front screen fitted 4 months ago.
Andrew at Les Richmond thought I'd be able to get a non tinted one, but not all Disco screens are the same. Mine being a 93 3.9i means that the "update" screens don't fit, and the only option was a bodgy job with a new screen or a tinted one that was made to fit.
Exactly, i fit in my Rangie better than a disco, although the disco does have more head room
Rangies have the same problem for me BTW, but again I am taller than your average bear.
Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 12:24 pm
by Reddo
this is not really related, but is someone sending Discos and Rangies to Tassie? They are everywhere down here - saw three in the servo back to back the other day.....all diesels too....and some heavily tricked up RRs and Discos are appearing on the streets and tracks lately ..
Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 8:00 pm
by disco95
MacMan wrote:Macman, i had a new non tinted front screen fitted 4 months ago.
Andrew at Les Richmond thought I'd be able to get a non tinted one, but not all Disco screens are the same. Mine being a 93 3.9i means that the "update" screens don't fit, and the only option was a bodgy job with a new screen or a tinted one that was made to fit.
Exactly, i fit in my Rangie better than a disco, although the disco does have more head room
Rangies have the same problem for me BTW, but again I am taller than your average bear.
That's funny...I've got a '95 Rosignol, far as I know it still has the original tint.

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 4:37 pm
by MacMan
That's funny...I've got a '95 Rosignol, far as I know it still has the original tint.
Which is why it has no tint! Nobody makes screens that fit the older Discos without tint. A royal PITA!
Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 7:53 pm
by disco95
That's bit of a bastard. I'm going to be needing a new one soon. Guess it'll have to be tinted.
Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 9:54 am
by LukeV
I am 6'6" and I can't sit in a Rangie. Too low in the roofline, and the ergonomics feel NQR.
I'm 6'6" and my cousin is 6'7" plus some and we both had no problems in the Rangie...not like the missus' Corolla which I have to tilt my head :(
We had to take the spacer blocks out from under the seats though. This made a massive difference! I think they are 1 1/2" or so high.