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Quick Q: Hilux locking hub gears

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 2:04 pm
by -Nemesis-
Well I got so close today, finally got the widetrack spacers and 60 series discs to widen the front and get this thing driving. After putting it all together for the last time and repacking the wheel bearings I discovered my IFS locking hubs wont fit over the live axle cv spline doh :x

So the question is, can live axle hub gears (?) fit in the same locking hub housing as they all look identical? Or will it be much the same price to find complete locking hubs?

None of you 30 spline longfielders have the old stock hub gears lying around do you? Need some ASAP! :oops: :D

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 6:56 pm
by killalux
pretty sure they will interchange. i have a pair of solid axle hubs lying round if you want them send me a PM