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Getting caliper and dust shroud assembly off 'cruiser

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 2:10 pm
by Andres
OK I'm in the middle of rebuilding the swivel hub, and i can't work out how the f*** to get the dust shroud off the axle. Basically the problem is I need to disconnect the brake line at the (outer side) the flexible rubber seciton jsut where it attached to the little L-junction (which is fixed to the dust shroud)

Problem is, if i unscrew it, the other end is fixed and so the rubber twists up! So that doen't seem like the solution...

I'm very frustrated right now. And the service manual seems to conveniently ignore however this is meant to be done.

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 3:18 pm
by Andres
Are any of the threads left handed or something? This is ridiculous!

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 4:41 pm
by shorty_f0rty
if i remember correctly from when I did my front end.. the L junction you talk about was fixed to the dust shroud on my late model 40 too..

i undid the hardline to the caliper or the other end at the L-junction and removed the caliper completely..

I then had to pinch the soft brake line to stop it leaking, then using a small spanner to stop the hardline on the diff spinning, used another to undo the other end of teh soft line on the L junction, once that was off it would remove ok.

I remember i didnt secure the hard line on the diff end first and it twisted the hard line resulting in needing a replacement. im pretty sure they were all std threads, eg righty tighty lefty loosey..

at least thats how i think i did it.. hope some of this helps..

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 5:36 pm
by Andres
Thanks mate. Thats simlair to what I ended up doing. Turned out I just wasn't swearing at it loud enough. Eventually got it loose and the dust shroud off.