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ADD Diff swap to Non ADD diff

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 7:32 pm
Hey Guys,

Typical story... broke an IFS lux setup. Anyway its a surf so has the ADD crap (Automatic Disconnecting Differntial).

I'm going to rebuild the diff with the good crown and pinion i have, and then just slide a locker in. The plan is though to piss all the ADD crap off and go with a spare housing i have out of an IFS Lux.

Does anyone know what i need to be blocking off in order to swap? there seems to be alot of vaccum lines there.

I am a little unsure how it'll work with the 4WD button still on the lever.

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 8:06 pm
by tweak'e
proberly better off asking at thee surf site

afaik the ADD system is built into the transfer case not the diffs. i'm not whats involvrd in changing tranfers cases/gearboxs.

imho unless you need to change ratio in the transfer (hilux us gear driven while surf is chain driven which makes it harder to get different gears for the surf box) keep the ADD and fit hilux hubs.

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 8:14 pm
Well the beauty of it is... i need a new auto too... so if i have to change to a lux box with a gear driven transfer then i will.

That raises another question... can i use an auto out of an aussie hilux on my surf 2LTE motor?

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 10:31 pm
by 4sum4
you can fit it ,you will need the earlier seal and manual hubs and with the transfer i think you can hard wire it so you can get high range

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 11:00 pm
by hylux
ok hope this helps...

A few years ago I used to own a 95 Hilux SR5 with ADD.. They suck..

so if you are going to use a normal diff you will have to fit manual hubs.
to test the theory on the vac line first just block off the lines to the front diff, then test if it all works then great..

with the question of the box that should be fine to... because I just fitted a 2LTE to my 84 Hilux.... The bolt up is exactly the same....

I think the only trouble you will have is getting used to getting out of the car to lick the hubs in :lol:

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 2:36 pm
This looks like the plan...

Just looking at the ADD part of the surf techsite, it looks like i could just loop the two VSV's in together and then just bypass the ADD switch and wire it direct to the light so its either on or off.

I' could leave the relay in place and just use it to control the transfer case selection.

Here's my reworked version of the diagram...


As oposed to -
