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3L torque specks

Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2006 5:39 pm
by weaves
i was hoping someone on here would be able tell me or steer me in a direction to hopefully find the torque specks for a 3L engine,

having thought we could get none of the parts we would need on a saturday now leaves us with a completley repaired and almost together engine with no specks at all, any help would be appreciated to try to get this back on the road this weekend

Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2006 9:01 am
by trains
Cyld head
3 stages

1st 78nm,
2nd +90deg
3rd +90 deg

Crank 103nm

big ends 2 stages
1, 54nm

glow plugs, 13nm
driveplate bolts 98nm
flywheel bolts, 123nm
inlet man nuts/ bolts 24nm
exh bolts manifold 52nm
cam bearing cap bolts 25nm
tensioner pullye pivot, 19nm
tensioner pulley centre bolt 44nm
ilder sprocket 33nm
inner timing belt cover bolts 18nm
camshaft sprocket bolt 98nm
crankshaft pulley bolt 167

piston oil jet relief valve 25nm
sump retaining nuts and bolts 18nm
sump drain plug 39nm
oil pump relief valve plug 37
oil pump housing bolts 23
oil cooler bolts 19
oil cooler nuts 21
oil coller element nuts 14
oil cooler relief valves 36
water pump nuts and bolts 23
rear engine plate bolts 12

Hope this helps.


Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2006 11:12 am
by weaves
thanks so much for that, now there will be a car for work tomorrow