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Moving front axle

Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2007 6:48 pm
by G_loomis
The usual info first...

HJ60 cruiser, leaf sprung, 2" suspension lift, 2" body lift, 35" tyres blah blah blah....

The only drawback I have with my truck is the approach angle...My spring packs hit any decent step before the tyres and therefor makes things harder to get up.

Obviously the higher the vehicle the better...but I dont want it any higher than it already is.

Another option is coil conversion...but thats a pipedream I think.

So moving the front axle forward seems to be the way to go...I came across some plates on Snake Racing that allow the axle to be moved up to an inch forward.

heres a link to the plate I am talking about. ... c2c71b6922

So basically is 1 inch worth all the hassle?...will 1 inch forward movement of the front axle make that much difference?

Whats the minimum you would move the axle to make it worth it?

Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2007 8:38 pm
by 4sum4
difficult being leaf sprung,
cheapest way is to make up 1" relocating plates and re drill the top 2 springs no more than 1" if you can

Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2007 9:55 pm
by jugger
have u done shackle reversel yet ? id look into that aswellas the relocating plates.

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2007 8:23 am
by G_loomis
But will one inch movement forward really make that much difference?

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2007 8:33 pm
by jugger
IMHO id go the shackel reversle on the sixty . it will act like a sled insted of a 6inch wall . you will prob have to either turn the spring aroud when u do the reversile cause it wheel will cycle rear wards like on a hilux . im preety sure that if u turn the spring around that it will move the diff prob 2 inchs forwardmaybe but not sure . been a while since i have had to think about this. i know this sound confusing but i thort about this long and hard when i had my 60 .