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wanted qualified jack mechanic

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2003 1:12 am
by dogart
Anyone recommend a qualified legend jackaroo mechanic
who knows these things inside and out and who knows
how to tweek'em just right to get max output?
North of river if poss.
Must be qualified to satisfy extended warranty.

Vehicle is '94 auto jack

wolf :D

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2003 7:01 pm
by Westoztroopa
I'm still yet to find a mechanic that I have been totally happy with so tend to try different places. Im starting to think about taking the Jack somewhere cridible like Robsons because even though they probably dont specialise in Jackaroos they know 4wds.
If Im counting correctly that makes you the 4th Perth Jack owner on this bb so maybe we need to find one place we can take them that can build up a bit of a history with them. I tend to avoid the idea of taking it to Holden since when I used to own a Subaru they used to charge the earth. :bad-words:
I would also be interested to know if anyone has found a good one in Perth...


Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2003 10:26 pm
by dogart
F#$@! going to holden Noel or any other dealer for that matter.
You may think you're booking it for a service & tune for $200
(even that is too much) only to come away paying $400 for all
the bullshit little things THEY say need doing when in fact it's a load
of BS. I went in today to Metro's to get someone to show me how,
and I know it sounds pretty lame. To show me how to strap up the
rear 7 seaters as the straps and clips have been taken apart.
They didn't have a clue and said "Oh you can book it in to get it done"
what I gotta pay for it...see ya I'll work it out another way.

Robson Bros...yes they have got a good rep but not sure if they are
as I am looking for, experts on the Jack.

Hopefully someone may have some suggestions.

Washed the Monty tonight and took her for a spin with the POWER button
on all the way, man does she fly!!!
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
