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EXPLODED! Wheel bearings
Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 1:59 pm
Hi all. so i was out with a couple of mates on the weekend doing some wheelin when all of a sudden crunch. it was a bit of a mystery to begin with but we soon narrowed it down to my wheel bearings. After gettin the car home and inspecting the damage i have found that it was all pretty messy inside. totally collapsed.

now my question is this. After taking off the outer locking rings there is what i presume once was a flat type of washer/spacer to hold everything in. Its pretty minced up and was wondering whether i should just try clean it up or source a new/ secondhand one somewhere. Is it going to be a suzuki genuine thing?
All the rest seems salvagable. New bearing will be going in obviously.
Any ideas you might have would be appreciated.
Vehicle: Suzuki Vitara '90
Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 4:13 pm
just get a new one, they normally have a little tab that puts them in the right place... i was in a zook that was doin 90km down a hill when a front wheel bearing sh*t it, and locked up...
Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 4:18 pm
PAZZ wrote:just get a new one, they normally have a little tab that puts them in the right place... i was in a zook that was doin 90km down a hill when a front wheel bearing sh*t it, and locked up...
Yeah i was lucky to have been doin 10kph.
Did it only do 90 down a hill???

Just kidding!
Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 7:18 am
by moose
just replaced all mine !!!
wheel bearings & swivel hub bearings !!!
also had to fit another long axle , due to VERY worn CV & seal seat !!
cost 180 for all bearings & seals !
most bearing joints will sell kits to suit !!!
& lets just say , due to me being slack ,
it was lucky my wheels hadn't fallen off , due to shagged bearings as well !!

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 10:47 am
by Guy
moose wrote:
it was lucky my wheels hadn't fallen off , due to shagged bearings as well !!

Thats what the disk brake and caliper are for

wheel retention system

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 12:04 am
by foolsp33d
where bouts did you get ya kit from moose??
may have to chase u down and pick your brain a little... borrow ya welder... feed u booze... swap ya wheels.. lol