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SPOA QLD Certification Loopholes
Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2003 10:05 pm
by oozuk
Does anybody know the rules regarding SPOA conversions in QLD ???
As farr as i know there illegil, But is there any loopholes in the system in order to pass them for regestered use ??? It's on a suzuki LWB
E.G. *Date back the modplate to when they were legal?
*Run Hilux diff's that are already SPOA setup and convert into the Zuke?
*Why can factory cars come out with SPOA as "Factory Issue" (hilux)\
and still be alloud on the road but it's not ok to setup a SPUA 4BY to SPOA? WHAT'S THE GO WITH THAT
just wanted everybodies toughts on this common problem.....
Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2003 12:41 am
by scorched

just do it. In my view a policeman wouldnt no wat a spoa is.
do a forum search, "spoa"
Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2003 7:15 am
by ausyota
The problem with the "Police wont know" idea is they WILL know if you ever are involved in an accident!
Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2003 7:29 am
by V8Patrol
Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2003 10:24 pm
by oozuk
Cheers for the help champ

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2003 10:56 pm
by oozuk
Thanks for that thread !!!
Just a Query: Say hypethetcily that you had a mate that could do QLD mod plates, What's to say that you got the modplate backdated to when the SPOA wasn't an issue and just tell the transport dept that when you rebuilt the car that the modplate was old andf got damaged so you got a new one written !! WOULD THAT WORK ????
OR should i try and get a dogdie modplate just so the RTA and police will leave me alone !?!
Also is there anyway to get 33x12.5r15's modplated for a suzuki sierra, and rear disc brake conversion ???
Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2003 11:14 pm
by beebee
oozuk wrote:Thanks for that thread !!!
Just a Query: Say hypethetcily that you had a mate that could do QLD mod plates, What's to say that you got the modplate backdated to when the SPOA wasn't an issue and just tell the transport dept that when you rebuilt the car that the modplate was old andf got damaged so you got a new one written !! WOULD THAT WORK ????
OR should i try and get a dogdie modplate just so the RTA and police will leave me alone !?!
Also is there anyway to get 33x12.5r15's modplated for a suzuki sierra, and rear disc brake conversion ???
Although I haven't had a look at my mod plate, I would think that all mod plates would have a serial code with accompanying paperwork. m Possibly the dodgy mod plate would be the best bet? Who would you put for the certifying engineer?
Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2003 11:20 pm
by Area54
Jonathon (not his real name) oozuk, this is prolly not the best place to discuss this sort of thing, on public forums the walls have ears, you know

Doesn't take a lot of research to find out who people are, especially for the pros who do it for a job...
Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2003 12:26 am
by oozuk
Area54 wrote:Jonathon (not his real name) oozuk, this is prolly not the best place to discuss this sort of thing, on public forums the walls have ears, you know

Doesn't take a lot of research to find out who people are, especially for the pros who do it for a job...
I totally agree with you !! that's why i was speaking hyperthecily
I wouldn't sersouly consider doing somting illegill that would take my only car off the road for good and land me in alot of trouble !!!

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2003 10:32 am
by auto_eng
Don't like your chances of going the backdate with the mod plate. When you fill out the paper work for a mod plate the paperwork that the customer gets a copy of is done in triplicate. One copy of this goes to Queensland Transport for them to put on their system.
You would be very very suprised at how these records can be traced when needed.
Not sure how long this has been the case but modifications to the suspension on a vehicle with a separate chassis are to be mod plated using a heavy vehicle mod code even if the vehicle is a light vehicle (under 4.5 tonne GVM) as there is no provision in the light vehicle code for such mods. There are a lot less people certified to do heavy vehicle mod plates than light ones.
When I engrave a blue plate I always scribe a line after the modification codes so no additional codes can be added. Always interesting to see the look on someones face when you scibe that line. Some gasp for no aparent reason. Even if someone does add codes the paper work that goes to QT does not bear the additional codes.
Re: SPOA QLD Certification Loopholes
Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2003 6:55 pm
oozuk wrote:Does anybody know the rules regarding SPOA conversions in QLD ???
As farr as i know there illegil, But is there any loopholes in the system in order to pass them for regestered use ??? It's on a suzuki LWB
E.G. *Date back the modplate to when they were legal?
*Run Hilux diff's that are already SPOA setup and convert into the Zuke?
*Why can factory cars come out with SPOA as "Factory Issue" (hilux)\
and still be alloud on the road but it's not ok to setup a SPUA 4BY to SPOA? WHAT'S THE GO WITH THAT
just wanted everybodies toughts on this common problem.....
Are you planing to use Hilux Diffs?
Re: SPOA QLD Certification Loopholes
Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2003 3:48 pm
by cbr
oozuk wrote:Does anybody know the rules regarding SPOA conversions in QLD ???
As farr as i know there illegil, But is there any loopholes in the system in order to pass them for regestered use ??? It's on a suzuki LWB
E.G. *Date back the modplate to when they were legal?
*Run Hilux diff's that are already SPOA setup and convert into the Zuke?
*Why can factory cars come out with SPOA as "Factory Issue" (hilux)\
and still be alloud on the road but it's not ok to setup a SPUA 4BY to SPOA? WHAT'S THE GO WITH THAT
just wanted everybodies toughts on this common problem.....
What about registering it in NSW getting it legal and then re-register it in QLD. Would this work ???
Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2003 4:14 pm
by roly
oozuk wrote:Just a Query: Say hypethetcily that you had a mate that could do QLD mod plates, What's to say that you got the modplate backdated to when the SPOA wasn't an issue and just tell the transport dept that when you rebuilt the car that the modplate was old andf got damaged so you got a new one written !! WOULD THAT WORK ????
say you had a hypothetical accident and hypothetically killed someone....
then you might find that your hypothetical arsehole has a hypothetical 6" rooster in it that is attached to your hypothetical cellmate bubba.......
next thing you know you are stuck in this hypotheical world for the next 15-20......

Re: SPOA QLD Certification Loopholes
Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2003 4:28 pm
by bogged
cbr wrote:[What about registering it in NSW getting it legal and then re-register it in QLD. Would this work ???
Someone mentioned this once before, but it has to be registered in another state for 4 years prior to changing, otherwise everyone would be visiting across the border..
Anyway with the cost of NSW rego, it wouldnt be worth it!
what about NT Rego? Just have it regoed in NT at a mates place.
my bike was regoed in Vic for ~10 years, saved 1000's on rego and insurance.
Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2003 9:10 pm
by Tojo
what about NT Rego? Just have it regoed in NT at a mates place.
you obviously don't know much about NT rego. Bad idea
Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2003 9:33 pm
by chimpboy
Someone tell me why this is a big issue... I mean, I can see that SOA is a really cheap and dirty way of getting 4" or so of lift... but there are other options.
"Lowering blocks" for leaf springs are apparently permitted in Qld provided they are made of steel or aluminium. So just put 4" blocks between the chassis and the leaf mounts and you'll get almost the same results as your SOA... no? probably less work anyway.
Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2003 9:36 pm
by bogged
Tojo wrote:you obviously don't know much about NT rego. Bad idea
Nope nothin at all, but after a few trips thru there and seeing some of the crap on the road (around the barkley Homestead) I thought they would be lax??
Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2003 9:58 pm
by roly
bogged wrote:Tojo wrote:you obviously don't know much about NT rego. Bad idea
Nope nothin at all, but after a few trips thru there and seeing some of the crap on the road (around the barkley Homestead) I thought they would be lax??
you'll prob find the cops wont hassle the BMW's...
Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2003 10:08 pm
by Tojo
each vehicle requires a yearly rego inspection in NT. The only exceptions are new vehicles, which are exempt for 2 or 3 years i think. Without this inspection you cannot get the car re registered. For a modified vehicle, you need approval in principle for your proposed modifications before you begin etc etc etc. Depending upon the modification, you will be required to have your yearly rego inspection at the Motor Vehicle Registry pits.
So, basically you cant do as you suggested bogged!!! There are still some dodgey cars getting around though.
Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2003 12:41 am
by oozuk
roly wrote:oozuk wrote:Just a Query: Say hypethetcily that you had a mate that could do QLD mod plates, What's to say that you got the modplate backdated to when the SPOA wasn't an issue and just tell the transport dept that when you rebuilt the car that the modplate was old andf got damaged so you got a new one written !! WOULD THAT WORK ????
say you had a hypothetical accident and hypothetically killed someone....
then you might find that your hypothetical arsehole has a hypothetical 6" rooster in it that is attached to your hypothetical cellmate bubba.......
next thing you know you are stuck in this hypotheical world for the next 15-20......

Thanks for your Grapic insight!!! but i think that me and Bubba don't need to get aquainted just yet

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2003 7:49 am
by bubs
chimpboy wrote:Someone tell me why this is a big issue... I mean, I can see that SOA is a really cheap and dirty way of getting 4" or so of lift... but there are other options.
"Lowering blocks" for leaf springs are apparently permitted in Qld provided they are made of steel or aluminium. So just put 4" blocks between the chassis and the leaf mounts and you'll get almost the same results as your SOA... no? probably less work anyway.
That would still need to be engineered, and would have some many negatives to go with it
SOA is easier to get good flex from compared to SUA