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3" exhaust inside 70 series chassis rails?

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 11:18 am
by smithie
G'day guys,
Has anyone run a 3" exhaust down the inside of their chassis rail on a HZJ75 / HDJ78 /HDJ79 ??
I'd like to route the exhaust (mandrel bent) from my 1HD-FT straight down from the turbo and inside the chassis rail to the rear of the vehicle (havnt decided on exit point yet.)
My vehicle is a PZJ70 SWB so it will route differently from say a 7x series ute but I'd love to hear of anyone that has done this (photos would be great if possible)

I know it will be tight between the chassis and the transfer case / front drive shaft.
One of my concerns is also that the fuel lines run inside the chassis rail (so they would be relatively close to the exhaust).
Any suggestions on what to do with these?
I could:
1) re-route them (least desirable option)
2) get high temp shielding to put over them
3) not an issue if theres enough clearance?

I'm thinking of something like this one -although its only 2 1/4"
NB: the heat shield welded to the side of the exhaust pipe to prevent heat getting to the fuel lines.


Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 4:03 pm
by mule75
mine runs on the inside of the drivers side rail. the only thing it comes close to is the sender on the transfer for the L4 dash light. i had to grind a tiny bit off this to stop it rubbing sometimes. the fuel line i felt was far enough away to not be a problem. there was enough room to get two straight thru mufflers in there sorta next to the transfer.

i would send picks, if:
(a) i knew how to
(b) my girlfriend stoped taking my camera and calling it hers

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 4:05 pm
by mule75
oh, i forgot it's 3in

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 7:23 pm
by thewayitis
I have a bj74 with 3 inch straight threw, and it runss very similar to those photos. the only problem is where is crosses the chassis rails at the tail end of car, it hits the tyre. ill take some photos for you

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 8:21 am
by smithie
thanks guys,

thewayitis: some photos would be really handy (and much appreciated).. especially as yours is a mwb.
I'm dont think I understand 100% what you mean by touching the tyre as it crosses the rear of the chassis? Does the BJ74 have a spare underneath the vehicle?

Mule: Thanks for the info/opinion/experience regarding running it next to the fuel lines. I know what you mean about the g/f too... except I'm usually the one stealing my girlfriends camera to take pics of my cruiser :armsup:

I had another look under it last night and I'm planning to run the exhaust like this:
I think I'll have to cross over to the LH side, where the chassis crossmember is as I dont think I can go straight back all the way on the inside of the RH chassis rail... the fuel tank is in the way, as well as the rear brake line (rubber).
Stock exit position is the rear LH corner.

Any comments or ideas are welcome?!

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 7:00 pm
by ferrit
On the factory 1HD-FTE and 1HZ on a 79 series, the exhaust exits out into the wheel arch area, down along the OUTSIDE of the chassis, and then back up and over the chassis behind the cab, then it works its way to the back.

We've never buggered one of them up, and we've tried!

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 8:39 pm
by thewayitis
smithie wrote:thanks guys,

thewayitis: some photos would be really handy (and much appreciated).. especially as yours is a mwb.
I'm dont think I understand 100% what you mean by touching the tyre as it crosses the rear of the chassis? Does the BJ74 have a spare underneath the vehicle?
mine hits the passinger rear tyre. im pretty sure it crosses over the chassis, but ill take photos when the g/f comes back with it.

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 9:46 pm
by 84mksd33t
why not dump it out the side? :D

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 9:00 am
by smithie
Yeah I have considered dumping it out the side.. but its a shorty so its not possible to get it the legally required distance ( I think 300mm?) behind the last opening window (drivers)... I've still considered doing it, but do want to try and keep my rig as legal as possible...
plus.. one advantage of running it inside the chassis rail is that its easier/better for making up rock sliders... you dont have to make a funny shaped bracket to go under your exhaust pipe.

I know exactly what you mean now... my passenger wheel rubs on my standard exhaust at full flex.. at the rear LH corner as it goes under the chassis.

The other thought that I had was to get a Long Range Tank installed and modify it so that I can run the exhaust straight back along the inside of the RH chassis rail???

or... does anyone know if the Petrol SWB/MWB Landcruisers or even bundera's have an exhaust that exits on the RH side????


Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 6:34 pm
by thewayitis
heres some pics of mine, i finally got it off the missers

this is where it scrubs.... it will be cut off soon
this is the back half... if you want more pics... just ask

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 9:21 pm
by smithie
Hey thanks for that mate.....
That is basically where I'm thinking of running mine... along similair lines to the original once it gets past the gearbox.
Except I reckon I'll run it over the chassis cross member (i've got a 2" body lift) and then straight back from there.
My standard exhaust rubs in exactly the same spot.. I'll chop the new one as short as possible once it pokes out the side....

thanks again for the pics.
I'll let you all know how the new exhaust goes ina few weeks..

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 5:14 pm
by Bluey
my standard exhaust rubbed here on the middy. all i had to do was change the very last bracket to the chassis, was put on wrong way