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What ute on a $15k budget?

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2003 9:32 am
by TuffRR

I have a mate who is looking at getting a second hand ute and wants to know what to get. He has a budget of $15k and is looking for something early to mid 90’s. I think he wants it to be a dual cab as well.
He wont be doing anything too difficult in it but wants something that in his words “won’t suck!”
He’s been told by a few people that a hilux is the go but apparently they are a lot more expensive than a Navara or Triton which he is also looking at. Are hilux’s that much better?
So offer your recommendations and at least justify why. Remember it’s a $15k budget for something that wont be doing anything too hardcore.


Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2003 9:39 am
by dumbdunce
bravo/courier is ok too.

if he doesn't need a dual cab you could get an early HZJ75 cruiser trayback for that sort of budget.

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2003 9:43 am
by Flange Raider
if he gets a hilux or like, don't ge the torsion bar front.. it sucks.

you could build a Rangie ute for 15k.. :twisted: :twisted:

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2003 9:46 am
by TuffRR
He's not that mechanically minded to get a Rangie - not that I'm saying they have reliability isssues. :roll:

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2003 10:44 am
by dumbdunce
torsion bar front only sucks of you want lift/hardcore. for on road and mild offroad the independent front is excellent. very comfortable, good control.

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2003 1:45 pm
by Beastmavster
Navara and Rodeo are HEAPS cheaper than Hilux.

If he's not into hardcore 4wd then they'll probably be fine for him.

If he's into hardcore then really he wants a Patrol ute or a Landrover Defender ute or he's gonna have to chop up something.

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2003 4:42 pm
by chimpboy
For bang for bucks, and if he's not going to be too hardcore off-road, I'd go for a Navara.

They look pretty cool too.


Re: What ute on a $15k budget?

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2003 4:52 pm
by chimpboy
TuffRR wrote:So offer your recommendations and at least justify why. Remember it’s a $15k budget for something that wont be doing anything too hardcore.

I think the main reason people would justify advocating a hilux is that its suspension travel isn't hampered by IFS. There's also pretty good parts availability and upgradability.

However a Navara has reasonably good front travel for an IFS vehicle and is (imho) a much better buy dollar for dollar.

He could get a '98 dual cab for that kinda dosh, or a hilux that's a few years older and more abused. Plus, hiluxes are ugly. Navaras look cool... for utes.



Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2003 5:16 pm
by Hoonz
u could buy a GQ ute early 90's for $15 just look around ... seen a few here they got snapped up quick

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2003 10:04 pm
by diesel028
Plus, hiluxes are ugly. Navaras look cool... for utes.

Sorry to say it Jason, but Navaras are fawken ugly :finger: .......and the Hilux IS without a doubt THE BEST looking ute on the market. You could buy a stock Hilux that would look COOLER than a Navara thats been lifted and had all the COOL mods done to it.

Plus he will have better resale value with a Lux!

TuffRR, tell your mate to get a Hilux, even for not so hardcore stuff. He'll regret it if he gets anything else.

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2003 12:42 am
by Beastmavster
diesel028 wrote:
Plus, hiluxes are ugly. Navaras look cool... for utes.

Sorry to say it Jason, but Navaras are fawken ugly :finger: .......and the Hilux IS without a doubt THE BEST looking ute on the market. You could buy a stock Hilux that would look COOLER than a Navara thats been lifted and had all the COOL mods done to it.

Plus he will have better resale value with a Lux!

TuffRR, tell your mate to get a Hilux, even for not so hardcore stuff. He'll regret it if he gets anything else.

Pick the man with HILUX tattooed on his butt......

No reply needed....

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2003 5:55 am
by diesel028
what can I say..........I love 'em :armsup:

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2003 8:15 am
by Old Yella
diesel028 wrote:
Plus, hiluxes are ugly. Navaras look cool... for utes.

Sorry to say it Jason, but Navaras are fawken ugly :finger: .......and the Hilux IS without a doubt THE BEST looking ute on the market. You could buy a stock Hilux that would look COOLER than a Navara thats been lifted and had all the COOL mods done to it.

Plus he will have better resale value with a Lux!

TuffRR, tell your mate to get a Hilux, even for not so hardcore stuff. He'll regret it if he gets anything else.

Hilux would be the most under powered

compared to the Navara, and Triton

but offroad they wouldn't even come close

with ground clearance and suspension travel [leaf spring front]

aswell as the amount of accessories available

to fit a Hilux on a budget.
