The reason I ask is I have taken off my blinders and I am looking at every possible option in regards to getting extra travel. I ramped it this afternoon and the results were interesting.

When I put the front wheel up the ramp, it honestly looked like the front was being limited by the the shock was at full extension and the shackle was not inline with the leafpack. The below pic is the front end at full travel.

So I removed both front shocks and tried again...the results were no different...It was then I noticed the back.
at the back the shackles were fully inline with the leaf pack and therefor not allowing any more travel. See pic below.

Basically what I am asking is if I was to put extended shackles on the rear and have them at the correct angle I would gain extra travel...but would this extra travel allow the front to travel more???
Here are a few measurements I took if anyone is interested....
FRONT UP RAMP...(Measurements taken from centre of hub to bottom of gaurd...2 inch spring lift, 2 inch body lift)
Down Travel = 770mm
Up Travel = 430mm
The rear is a bit difficult to compare with other trucks so I wont put that info up...but if someone could please put up the measurements of their trucks up (centre hub to bottom of gaurd) that would be greatly appreciated!