Birthday is coming up, and im putting out a wish list to family.
(called wish list, because you wish someone would buy from it, as yet no one has ;O) )

Anyway, we have a borrowed 40lt ish chescold, the brown type, and have used it on several trips now. I have found it to be a bit on the small size however it has done its job very well.
I want to eventually go to a solar setup, and thus I was thinking the evakool is the next step towards that.
My question is this.
How have you found a 40lt fridge size re a family of 4, did you wish you went up to a 60, or did you get a 60, and find it overkill??
I have used the chescold as a fridge freezer, keeping meat frozen under the evaporator fins, and vegys non frozen on the other end of the cabinet.
How do the 2 zones work, or can you use a different seperator, so your not down at -20 deg, and 3 deg on the other side??, so you still freeze stuff, but dont have it running on a high duty cycle??