Have the compressor set up for the lockers and have a coupling thingy (Female) comming out of the end ready to take a hose for airing up tyres.
What should I be buying for the set up?
And please help us with the tech names of things so I can talk shop to the hose guy

I guess I need from Compressor end to tyre end.........
Male attachment thing for the female coupling that I have (no idea of its name) It has the push button thing to release what ever gets stuck in it.
Tyre end? Want a pressure gage and something to lock onto the wheel. I guess I want a T piece to run both bits, looked at an attachment in repco for airing up tyres, but you have to hold on to it. With only a small electric compresor, I want something that just clips onto the wheel like the ones I have seen from the big red compressors.
Anyway, that would have to be the most low tech post ever!!!!
Can someone steer me in the right direction?