Wendle wrote:I am pretty sure both those rigs are built with the ford van coils??
I think they are only supplementary to an airbag in their original application, so they have a very low rate.. You can see how fine they are..
This all heresay though, and has come straight from the batcave

thier are two types
the van in question is the ford aerostar, there is a passenger and a commercial type
i beleive the passenger van has spring rate around the 75/125 lb/inch
as opposed to commercial, looking at 125-150lb/inch
they are supplementary to an airbag in thier factory application, hence the soft spring rate, rockstomper, of manits and rockstomper offroad fame uses these in his mucho grando, top secret truck called the manits, any and all information on this rig is top secret, but if you ask he will tell you, EXACTLY what you want to know, and even give detailed pictures and specs, to the best of his knowledge, DESPITE having a business, that his information may detriment on, thats why i reckon he is a champ!!
good points grimbo!!
i just love the pics is all
yeah, those spectacular unloadings at that critical rollover point is the overkill zooks problem at TTC, he has apparently re-designed it all, so it should be sweet!
the outright flex is a good point:
they had pics of a guy on the SRC site, who basically had a "hinge" thats right a hinge between the diff and chassis, the hinge was a leaf spring, mounted across the axle and attached to the frame...i had no idea how it would work as a suspension design, in fact it wouldnt, but damn, it could flex near 90 degrees
its all about the ramp bay-bee!!