My truck has been blowing a bit of black smoke for a while, just never had time or $$$ to fix it. It now seems to be getting worse and is quite noticable, even during the daytime it can be clearly seen whilst driving. I wouldn't say I give it to it, but I certainly don't drive like grandma either.
The temp starts to rise a bit when climbing hills on the freeway to a point where I got to back off and coast on the down hill runs to get it to cool back down. I know all the air intake and exhaust is clear and functioning perfectly too.
Now I did have a diesel mechanic mate do my engine rebuild 3yrs ago and I can definitely trust his workmanship. We have triple checked the timing and valve clearances(while hot) and all seems perfect. I also had the injectors and injector pump rebuilt then too by a diesel injector shop costing around the $1500 mark.... had to put a new cam in and a few other bits and pieces as well.
Ever since about 3mths after whole thing was rebuilt and back on the road, I noticed a weeping of oil from a screw on the side of the injector pump. I thought nothing too much of it and just degreased it off every 3-6mths. I'm now wondering if that is where the problem lies???
Can anyone shed some light onto what may be causing:
1. the weeping of oil.
2. the excessive black smoke(I'm gessing over fuelling but no idea on how to adjust.)
Some pics of the oil weep on the side of the injector pump.

And the engine bay...