Lepar wrote:
It will be good to see a chickie competeing, u know girl power and all that other stuff.
and this would mean what exactly Troyboy????????
Let Bob drive, bet she would kick ur a#@!!!!!
Tuf355 wrote:i have a great idea for the raffle too , raffle off all the barber poles on friday nite, i am sure you would sell heaps of tickets !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hehe... i think you may be onto something bob......and speaking of raffles...
come on ppl.. nows the time to start digging deep... This is the last round of the Qld Winch as a 3 round series, help us make the RFDS raffle the biggest ever... from memory i think we need to beat just over $3000... can we do it????
anyone wanting to make donations please contact me....
Remember the RFDS is government funded, However the Service must independently fund the repair, maintenance and replacement of its entire aircraft fleet.
which currently contains 44 aircrafts... with them flying over 16 million km a year they need to be replaced systematically to ensure they are safe and economical to operate.
1 new plane costs 6.7 million, then they are required to be fitted with all the extras that make them a viable rescue service, which costs around $700,000.....
All these numbers make our small donations seem insignificant, BUT when ppl like us make these small donations.. THEY ADD UP!!!!!!
Feeling generous yet????
Help us help a great cause guys and girls.. All donations small or large of items for the raffle will be greatly appreciated.
And don't forget..THE THEME FOR SATURDAY NIGHTS PRESENTATION DINNER IS A RFDS RECIPIENT.....use ur imagination and show us what idea of someone needing their help would look like....
