Well I stuck my neck out and sugested to Rudi that the NSW Navrun may be better supported if it was run in the Sydney - Newcastle area.......
He sugested that I do a bit of research given I am doing nothing at the moment due to this dam horse flue.......
So as part of that, I just wanted to see how many of you would be keen to do a navrun if it was run in the Wattagans.
If the response is good, I will go to the next step and see how much red tape we need to cut through.
Remember this is just stage one of the whole thing, but I just wanted to make sure we are going to suport Rudi with the new location, as he does such a great job organising the event , I didn't want to make him go to all the trouble if it was not going to attract the numbers.
Put your hand up if you are keen..........don't be frightened off if you have never done one before. The Bathurst one was our first, and I can tell you, you will have a ball and meet the greatest bunch of people, and they will help you learn the tricks if you need the help.
We need more events in NSW.................
