Hey all, have been lurking around for a while now...
I run a 1986, LN61 Toyota 4Runner SR5
2.4l NA Diesel
31 MT/Rs
EFS Suspension
ICOM UHF, Pioneer MP3 Stereo
Hella Ralleye 2000's
She isnt too bad, a little slow but economical but gets me most places i want to go. Scariest drive was probably from mountain creek as far up Mt Bogong as we could go, middle of summer, pouring with rain and all on half worn Dunlop SP Road Grippers.
Few pics.... the first three are on borrowed X-Terrains and MT/Rs.
Im finishing my uni course in the next month (Land Survey - RMIT) and will hopefully be spending a few dollars on a junkyard turbo kit, some barwork, snorkle and i have a balljoint spacer kit to go in aswell. If your in melb and want to help out im more than happy to supply you with BBQ food and amber refreshments!
Notice a few trucks from out and around melbourne!
Plans next year are to find a HDJ79 RV, barwork, custom tray, 36 Pedes, turbo work... ive just about had enough of small 4 cylinder engines after 4 years