Aldi Winches...
I have just bought a winch bar for my lux

However I dont think Ill drive so hard as to need it very often, its more of a back up option. Spending thousands on a warn is not really an option but maybe a tiger or ironman for an extra few 00's is.
I once got given a ultra cheap (boat winch style) winch which claimed to pull about 2500kg, what a joke it was even the elec wiring was too thin to handle the needs. But when I hooked my car to a tree it couldnt drag the 1700kg car with the hand break on. the clutch just smoked. freebie in the bin.
I noticed last week that aldi has a $450 winch approx 9000 lb.
How bad would it be? at least this one was designed to be fitted to a winch bar. would it just be very slow or would it simply let you down the one time you need it?
Maybe effected by water? can you water proof the solenoid etc?
Speed isnt the issue for me im never going to get into winch comps... well at least not in the forseeable future, just want a get out of jail free card really.
I had thought get an auto locker for the same money, but the problem is the better your truck the further into shit you get and the harder it is to get out again.
hobbies on a budget are frustrating.
ok have zipped up flame suit ready to get burned...
Go but be kind.