Here it is, as I bought it with road tyres on it. Its reasonably capable.. can get itself out of (and into) trouble
Soon after, I bought some sunrasia rims off ebay for under $100 inc post..
They are 15x8JJ off a Ford F100. They JUST fit under the stock flares, and widen the track by nearly 2 inches... much nicer for driving on the road.. and much more stable off-road

Oh... I got some BFG A/T's second hand from the tyre shop... again, under $100 all fitted and balanced.
Here is a pic of me pulling out a friend of mine in his beached whale.. oh, I mean Pajero
That night we went for a play in the mud... I deliberately tried to get stuck.. but no luck.
This is what the car looked like when I came home....
and this is what it looked like the next morning
Last year I had the suspension re-done, and got it lifted at the same time. By that stage the BFG's had worn out, and I had some nankang POS on there... horrible tyres.. but served well in the desert on sand
More recently I picked up a bargain off a mate on some 31in muddies with about 80% tread on em... There is no body lift and they JUST fit.
Since that, I have removed the front sway bar, and it is SO much nicer to drive on the road. YES, its a bit more soft in the front, so you do get more body roll, but its all relative. When I had the car lifted, (its about 1cm off the bump stops btw)... it became more stiff in the front end due to winding up the torsion bars. more tension = stiffer ride. Unfortunately this meant it would lift a wheel quite easily when cornering to the left.
Since I have removed the sway bay, that stiffness has gone away, and the wheel-lifting is much more predictable and a lot harder to do... which is good.
So.. I'm happy with how the fez is now performing. Between the suspension lift and the 31 muddies, I'm pretty sure I havent hit the sump or front diff on anything since. The rear diff is actually the lowest point

Now all I have to do is work out how I can have rear seats AND a boot.
Out of these mods... what had the biggest improvement??.... changing from road tyres to All-terrains.
If you can do nothing else... start with that