Can somebody please explain to me why,
I had one in my tb42s GQ when i bought it about 6 weeks ago. when changing the plugs today, i didn't put it back in to the carbie as i said to pastorslim that i didn't think it worked anyway.
Next thing you know, the car was running with a rough idle, and when i tried to accelerate it would fart, pop and backfire and cut out.

after doing this a few times, frustrated and with wishful thinking, i decided to put the hiclone back in the air filter.
both of us were dumbfounded when the car turned on, idled beautifully and was very responsive in it's revs and acceleration.
To be certain, we pulled it back out, and put it back in a few times with the same results.
The vehicle is on straight Gas, is it something to do with that, or is it simply that it does work?
Why will the car NOT work without it?
I dont need a solution, if it works it works, as long as i can drive, but just thought it would be interesting to get some feedback on why it works.