I am looking for some info and specs on the 98-05 Grand Vitara (the ones with a transfer and chassis) which I am thinking of buying. Been looking in the bible and plenty of searches but most of the info is on the older Vitaras and the web is mainly has the latest models. Perhaps this thread could be added to the bible if appropriate.
Could someone help me with info or links on the following:
What are the model numbers mean? e.g. JB, JLX, S2, S3, S4, Limited....
I have a choice of 2.0L 4, 2.0L V6, 2.5L V6, 2.7L V6...looking for advice.
Is it worth spending more for the highest-spec ones - i.e. is it mainly trim levels, which dont mean much to me, or worth it for ABS, etc.
The XL-7 - worth considering? - I think they look uglier and dont think I need the extra room but I am thinking of doing some touring (2 people only)
I will be looking at doing some mods like a little lift, tyres, antennas - so I would like to know if any particular model is wrong for this.
Sorry if I havent looked hard enough