Chucky wrote:Was trying to point out that comparing a 4.2 GQ to a 2000 prado, the prado wont compare as an off road car.
I recently went shopping for a new car and looked at both.
GXL TD Prado was a fair bit cheaper than the ST patrol. On road the prado is $55,490 with full tanks of diesel (180l) and towbar. The best price the nissan dealer would give was $60,790 without any extras.
Then add the spec's
Prado - 127Kw @ 3400 410Nm @ 1600
Patrol - 118Kw @ 360 354Nm @ 2000
Prado - weight 1980Kg Towing cap - 2500kg
Patrol - Weight 2355Kg Towing cap - 2500kg
Prado fuel - 180l
Patrol - 125l
The only thing the patrol has going for it solid front end and good lsd. Use the money saved on diff locks and suspension lift and the prado is leaps and bounds in front of the patrol.
And prado's look better too

I agree on your first point (and it will take no convincing either) but the GU is still a better offroad vehicle than the 120 series Prado. I find it interesting you can say the old GQ is a better offroader when the GU is basically the same underneath the shiney panels and different engines. They're just as good as each other, GU probably better if you don't mind dents.

Any older 4wd is better than the newer ones going by this theory...less stuff to break and go wrong not to mention you dont have to worry as much about denting it i guess.
but anyway, this arguement could go on for alot longer if you're trying to say what i think you are
BTW dealer you went to wasn't interested in a sale. Anyone who walks out the door of a nissan dealer paying more than $55,000 for a stock standard patrol ST 3.0L TD isn't very good at haggling

. A mate just drove out of a dealer with a brand spanker 08 plated ST manual with a bullbar and towbar for just a smidgen under $50,000 with onroads AND metallic paint!
That price is pretty normal for that particular prado (my observations).
ps: i think its absolutely disgusting how much nissan charge for their product...the GU should cost $45,000 for the base model. Its seen sweet fsk all development since 1998 and has only gone up in price when going by automotive theory it should be getting cheaper. Same as the ute, ridicolus cost!!!! Only reason they can get away with it would be same reason as toyota, in comparision to their other vehicles it would be a very low production vehicle. Much like the landy Defender. Attracts a big price because of low production numbers and more hand finishing and assembly than the mass produced wagons. /rant