It is time to step up as I have been play'n for too long. While the setup I have absoulutely rocks for a street driven (regulary) truck I just want to fuck the spring packs off from under the diffs among other things.
I will just go an a frame rear I think and make majority of bits myself.(with some help!

I was just wondering what people like Ruff, Pos,B.J, and Sam etc use on the chassis end of their lower control arms? It looks like ruff uses rangie stuff but is there any other option? I have two orbit eyes already so was thinking of some way to utilize them in new set up.
Also does anyone know a link to all that good info Sam has posted in regard to the vertical height between the top and bottom links and what angle to put them on etc to reduce antisquat etc.
From what I believe the spring over on the front will be the biggest headache from all of this and that should still not be to bad.???

Yep it is get serious time!!!!