def90 wrote:ahahaha Mr Overton you look so young

Bloody hell!!!...dont I just.
Ive got a heap of pictures somewhere showing detail of how the body was mounted and im sure Ive seen them recently...just carnt find them ATM??
But basically this is how the body was mounted (without pics)...
You can see in your top picture straps connecting to the top door hinge on each side and to the centre of a piece of angle iron that was tech screwed to the top of the sides across the back. These 3 straps were connected together and the whole assemble was lifted fron the centre point with a forklift. The body was never disasembled.
So pull the body off and mount the drivetrain where ever it fits.
Sit the body back on centred about the axles and keep cutting the firewall untill you get the body back to the height you want it at. I basically had the rear floor just above the chassis.
Work out the height and length of where the sliders go (these were 75x50 RHS)
Then take the body off and weld on the sliders...basically you know how far apart the sliders need to be apart...the total width of the body...cut a piece of RHS (again 75x50) this lenght and weld it on top of the chassis at the correct slider height...position it towards the rear end of the sliders and try to make it line up verticaly beneath the rear body bulkhead (the one thats just behind the front seats.
Weld the sliders to this cross member.
Make two additional short sections to attach the front of the sliders to the chassis...this carnt be one continious length like the back one cause the motor/gearbox is in the way...make sure these sections dont line up with the fire wall mount.
Sit the body back on the sliders and attach the front firewall lower mount to the sliders...two short sections of 5mm plate (say 50mm x 50mm) with a 1/2 in hole welded to the inside edge of the sliders on either side of the firewall mount. Put a 1/2 in bolt through there.
Make a vertical plate (something like 100mm by 5mm) off the rear slider cross member to attach to the rear bulkhead...bolt that on.
Cut another piece of rhs for the very rear of the body, tech screw it to the body and weld it to the chassis.
Weld a bit of angle to the front of the chassis to mount the bottom of the grill...
And your done.