Xtreme 4x4 Sport is now entering its 10 year. So lets have some fun.
This is a new event designed for road going 4WD vehicles or budget built 4WD vehicles which have all the safety requirements as per Xtreme Production Rules.
Round 1:- 28th - 30th August 2009
Venue:- "The Springs" via Warrick
Entry fee:- $380 (entries close 14th May. Late entries welcome, but will attract a $50 late entry fee). All paper work will be sent out on receipt of entry fee.
Entries too:-
Xtreme 4x4 Sport
31 Elm Court
Morayfield, Qld 4506.
Midway Dinner & Presentations Saturday night
Format:- 3 SS Friday, 5 SS Saturday & 2 SS Sunday. Last vehicle will run at 2pm on Sunday followed by Presentation.
2009 Rules:- Available at www.xtreme4x4sport.com.au
Enquires:- Xtreme 4x4 Sport 0418 745 830 (Business hours) or info@xtreme4x4sport.com.au