Cheers for all the feed back guys

. I haven't really got the money at the moment but I'm working on it. Gotta sell my cruiser and then I should have some money to play with

I originally wanted a 75 series ute and finally ended up getting one, decided to do a full overhaul on it. Stripped it down to the chassis and built it back up from the ground. Just in the stage of painting it at the moment and hopefully will have it back on the road at the end of next week
The family have always had land rovers, dad loves them. Ive been driving a 1997 Rangie for the last year and love it to bits but don't trust it off road. Have had a few computer problems with the air bags which left the car sitting on its bump stops. Looked cool but rough to drive

. Have taken it up a few hill climbs and was really surprised at how well it went. I was thinking about getting a gu patrol but then would have had to spend a lot of money for a good one and then wouldn't have wanted to get its scratched and dirty haha. That's why I ended up buying the disco

. Cheap fun! Have definitely got my moneys worth out of it

And I'm really amazed at how good the clearance is in the middle of the cars! they will go over almost anything unlike the cruiser haha
I've just put a bull bar on it but really don't like the look of it. Does anyone know where I could get a second hand ARB one? I'm really thinking of putting lockers on the front and back. Would end making some rock sliders too and using them as the air tanks

Any ideas roughly how much air lockers and a good compressor would set me back? Also has anyone got any photos of rock sliders they have made? Are the hituff axles as strong as those maxi drive ones? Are they a better price to?
Thanks for the advice there rr215. I'm going to have to sort out a clunking noise that I get under the car. It happens when I'm going slow with my foot off the gas. The car gets into a rocking momentum and and something underneath starts to hit making a clunking noise. I've replaced the ball joint on the back which helped a lot but I'm sure there is something else that hasn't been done right when the car was lifted. Also there is a bit of noise in the gearbox through the gears. All that and a million oil leaks need to be fixed but I'm just topping it up at the moment and trying not to think about that ... haha...
I think with the tyres I might just get the biggest flare kit and put that on then just put some 32 or 33's on. Probably cooper stt's. Then if I want to go bigger later the guards are already done. Does anyone know what the biggest legal tyre size that you can go on a disco in Queensland? I'm sure the car is probably already over with 31's on.
I do a lot of driving in the mud, some hill climbs but not that extreme, I really don't enjoy backing down hills haha

and once or twice a year go next door to Fraser Island
I know I've written heaps and its all over the place but more and more things just kept popping into my head. Cheers for all the feed back guys. Might post some photos of it in the next few days