From my calculations, it would have been ahead of Phils.vanbox wrote:
Question for antunac, hope u got the rest of ur truck back after rolling just one wheel past us late on sunday arvo.In regards to the travel ramp, if you lift the front left off the ground is that then your finishing point? Because it didnt look like you had much left in "track" to keep all wheels on the ground!
This may sound stupid but did you (pete) win the travel ramp with the new scoring system? Would have love to see Noble up there (think he was due for it on sunday morning???) compared to you.
PAUL ... 26&pos=202
If u check out phils front tyre on the ramp from previous years, you'll notice the edge of the the rim is approximately in line with the Y shaped brace.
In the video, the centre of my axle is in a similiar position with the brace & I have a shorter wheelbase by 4-6"..
I need to see a side on shot of mine to be sure.
I think that an angle gauge on the front axle for all vehicles would be a more accurate measurement indication, that way no-one is advantaged or disadvantaged by wheelbase or wheeltrack.
As for running out of wheeltrack, when u drive a little further up the ramp past 90 degrees, the lower tyre swings & gets taller, so it would help.
But the ramp needs a few mods to allow this so the lower front tyre doesn't foul the ramp framework.