I have just replaced my std drag link with a drop drag link cause my old one was stuffed and a dropped one in anticipation of my ruf.
anyway with the current sagged rhs suspension the drag link is now hitting the u bolts. the std one didnt. I thought the whole point of droped links was to make sure this didnt happen.
Now I know the suspension is sagged and thus bringing the draglink closer to the suspension, but this simply simulates the car being flexed up a little off road. under full compression i think it would jam the steering.
So couple of things, what can be done if anything to fix it. currently the bit which is fouling is the clamp which runs around the end of the drag link as seen below.
so a) could this clamp be replaced by a good stainless ring clamp which is lower profile? as all it has to do is clamp the thread a little.
b) I could cut the lip off the front half of my bump stop, so the bump stop is then only held in place by the rear lip, so it would drop my u bolt 5mm lower.
c) some gods suggestion which you can list below

d) can the end be twisted alowing the drag link to twist so it goes around the u bolt?
e) all of the above.
Ps I tried to do my ruf swap yesterday and couldn't get my damn torque rod off so had to put the old shit back in