Hey MMM dude onlly 3+ weeks till your jeloppy is shipped hahaha and not one pic of it posted comon get off your arse.
MEantime here is a quick update
YELLOW is off the road - legal dispute I hope to have it reregistered this week. Roll cage to be put in soon after and the lockers at long last no more RFC with open diffs hahaha.
RED is READY to run the rebuilt engine is just a terror with 21psi of BOOST and maybe a front locker to be fitted.
This is a shot of RED just before the winch cable snapped in Tera Tak Track early august. The 36" sneakered volvo axle boyz have wrecked this hole meaning winching is compulsory.
BLUE - Peters taxi is about to get its engine transplant not saying what to but it will be adequate - PTO also ordered for same time.
Meantime I have been out in the wilds and not doing much 4x4 stuff
Instead been fishing:
and from my Kayak this little report
Hari Riya weekend went over with a "freebee" agent to take them SAILFISH fishing and Bottom fishing for a day each. So Monday I was free and had already packed my Kayak on the on my trusty stock LC II . Red is still waiting for new rear DISCS after the last mud trip :(
On the trip over to the "other side" of Malaysia I could barely get 102K out of the old girl (Peters Taxi) I guess with 351,000K on the odometer her old stock 3L is starting to get tired.
After Monday breakfast with the freebee's I then dropped them in the tusty hands of an employee to take them back to KL while I went Kayak fishing by myself for my favourite fish the TOMAN or SNAKEHEAD. I had not been to this dam for 3+ years so I had fun finding it as all the directions given to me by 'know alls" turned out to be totally incorrect. Eventually following my nose and my memory bank I found the DAM however suffering from a dose of food poisoning this was going to be fun.
Here is the pics of the DAM as you get there - a great site a underwater LOGGING accomodation barge.
This dam is only 22meters or less above sea level so its low and shallow. The best way to tackle the Toman is Kayak or a long tail Thai styled boat else you are pulling weeds from your prop every 20 seconds.
Once on the water its full of stumps both above and below the water unnerving yup but thats adventure fishing.
THis is the scenery from the water - erie and wonderful,
Seeking out rises (Toman are air breathers like us) I paddled along and eventually found one but the mum ignored my lures except for one missed strike and I ended up hooking this baby damn they are cute until they grow up.
then I came upon another rise and once again struck nothing but also no sign of mum but I was seeing rises from single adults.
The bubbly water is the baby TOmans rising
Not long after taking this shot I realised the weather was closing in and I had to find shelter I remembered a fishing hut from the 3+ years ago and started heading for it
I had barely arrived and got the Kayak out of the water and got out the snacks when it started raining
Then it really started to rain. So I snacked out on biscuits and peaanuts and still feeling like crap.
By 2:46 still some 45 minutes after it started raining it was still thunder and lightening so I sms'd my GPS co-ordinates a few friends on the other side of Malaysia just in case I had any problems since I was by myself.
3.14 PM and the weather cleared or did it - I noticed the wind had gone 180 degrees and there was still thunder and lightening in the hills and sure enough I waited and the storm came back :(
I waited and fell asleep on the floor of the floating hut and woke up it was all quiet and 3 hours had passed but it was now clear.
I paddle across the other side and into the place I know Tomans abound amongst all the vegitation islands
Then I missed a rise no parents haha but then first cast into another rise I got lucky and was rewarded with a REEL suddenly spooling out and having to put my hand on the spool and just fight the damn Toman through the weeds
My reward was a 2KG toman on the end of a popping lure made my day.
Ok feet out the way.
I also hooked a Seberaru and another baby toman but nothing else.
being about almost sunset and I had 2k to paddle back to the trusty LJ77 I elected to paddle slowly and fish all the way back admiring the wonderful sunset. Then I had the 4+ hour drive back to KL to recover from the food poisoning.
With memories of giant kingfishers catching fries all around me , barking deer in the jungle and monkeys and eagles screeching I will be coming back to this little jem.
My new longer kayak I hope arrives in the next week (I splashed out and bought 3 as a new part of the business kayak fishing) . First big test will be hooking a sail on it.
If you have never beeen kayak fishing by yourself then try it its quiet - challenging and I enjoy it just me and my skills against the TOMAN no guide nothing your skills only.
NExt report when I go back again for a day in Late October just before your jelopy is put int he container.