If you are of the opinion that one should not bother and all efforts are hopeless (you may very well be right) ples save it from other threads

My carb is fine, but i am trying to get a second one rebuilt and running myself from a new engine that i am piecing together.
I am modding the intake at the same time by epoxy putting up all the stepped bumps and crevices into one continuos edge. i have used up about 10cc of dead space with putty just in the chamber below the throttle without decreasing passage holes. i took care not to cover vacuum holes but may not of been so careful with the egr and pcv passages..
i figured it will strengthen my vacuum signal and give the fuel/air only one direction to go. Sort of like the theory behind throttle spacer plates.
Anyway back to the carb, my choke died on my current carb the first time i flushed the radiator

so i have removed the choke completely and will block hole with a nut and bolt in case i fill like puttng a manual choke later or need it for some other squirelly idea.
i have been cleaning all the casting flash with a rotary tool (quite a bit) and am debating wether to cut the support arm off the venturi to increase flow.
The other idea is the jets, the ones i pulled out have the numbers 099 and 106 on them. after several days searching for size i got some info that weber primaries may fit and this link
http://dairally.net/daihard/chas/AisanC ... nJets.html
its good how hey went hrough the effort of listing the two throttle sizes of 28/32 and 30/34 and the venturi neck sizes.
What gets me is that although the primaries are around the same size as my suzuki for the various displacements the secondaries are on average 30% larger. Most appear pre pollution.
i was thinking maybe stepping the secondary 106 up to like a 113-115 or something nd keep an eye out for a 100- 101 that i could use on the primary, run a litle richer
comments, constructive critism or you own little secrets /isues/ ideas etc welcome.