box won't bolt up, diesel gearboxes have different bellhousing pattern and a bigger input shaft (at the spigot bush). If you use a 3.9 powered disco as a donor, should be able to pick up one with an r380 Gearbox in it, and use that. Keep the defender transfer though, as it should have a 1.411 highrange gear instead of the rangie/disco 1.22 (and sometimes 1.1ish?) Unless of course he's not running bigger tyres, and wants to do less revs down the highway, in which case use the disco transfer and give me the defender one

Not sure what you do with the engine mounts, may need to cut the existing ones off both the Defender chassis and the disco chassis, dangle the engine/g/box assembly in the bay with the gearbox mounts bolted into place, and weld the disco mounts into place. Unless someone else knows a better way (to be honest I can't remember how the tdi engines are mounted, I'm just seem to remember they're different to V8s.....)
What do you mean whats the go with the dash guages? Should be able to just hook them up, if they don't work, swap the diesel sender/s into the V8.....
Carby engines are 3.5, and all probably pretty tired by now, making the later 3.9 a better choice in my book.... If you don't want the injection, can probably sell the complete setup to someone who wants to convert.
Disco is probably a better choice than a Rangie as a donor, because from memory the Rangies never got the r380 gearbox?
84 Rangie, 3 inch spring lift, 2 inch body, Megasquirted 4.6, R380, rear Maxi, 34x11.5 JT2s. Simex FM installed.