I have been reading everything i can on patrol engine conversions on here for years. There is always alot of people talking about whatthey want to do - but not as many seem to report back, and particuarly long term.
here is my situation -
I have a gq, tb4.2 on gas. it had a slight head problem, which i promptly used seal up on

So i am cosidering my options. I have been interested in changing the motor, and have looked at plenty of different options. But keep coming back around to the 5L holden motor (even though i generally don't like holdens much

I want to be able to run which ever motor i get on gas, but want dual fuel - which makes turbo set ups a bit difficult.
So that basically leaves me with V8's for an option. I want an injected motor, and also to leave it pretty much stock other than the exhaust and perhaps the inlet.
Ford motors - seem too uncommon
1uz - my dad has one in a cressy, nice, but not alot of bottom end.
vh45 - uncommon, and im worried about the same as the 1uz.
So basically that leaves me with a Gen 3, or a 5L.
I want more power than my tb42 ( i dont really want to spend money rebuilding the tb42, as i dont think it will make much more power easily on dual fuel).
I thought perhaps a 5L, they were known as having reasonable low down torque - alot of people said much better than the gen3 in the commodores - but i am concious that this may be more a gearing set up issue.
5L are also pretty unpopular, and there for cheap, and a couple guys in the fuel useage thread seem to be getting ok mileage.
I was planning on keeping my factory auto and mating the 5L to that.
So i would like to hear from people who have hese running - holtrol and simcoe spring to mind.
Are you happy with the power upgrade - i do a bit of towing, and daly driving. not too much 4x4ing, a bit of beach work.
Do you think the patrol auto is the go?
Is the 5L the right choice?