Well, bought my Feroza ('89 Narrow track) a few weeks back. Overall its in pretty good nick, original glossy paint still under the carpets - doesn't appear to of done much offroad work. Anyways, so I bought it with "gearbox issues", supposedly noisy, so I factored in the cost of a replacement gearbox/transfer and got it for a good price.

Trailered it home (100kms) because although we took a test drive and heard the noise - it drove fine - but we didnt wanna risk it. Got it home, whizzed it around the block and out to a mates (10kms) and sure, noisy but it drove fine - transfer case seems to be the issue, as it vibrates the transfer gearstick whilst the g'box one is fine.
So the other day, during some preventative maintenance, I crawl under the car to give the gearbox and transfer case filler/drainage plugs a dose of RP7 to make them easier to undo when I check the fluid levels. Left it a while, came back and wiped the excess - low and behold I see a crack, just under the transfer's drainage plug. Pic 1 | Pic 2
So lack of oil is half the noise, unsure if the bearings have copped it, how long its been like it etc. Has anyone had a Feroza transfer case rebuilt lately? How much did it cost? Are Gaskets hard to find or can 4x4 places source them OK?
Thanks in advance for any and all replies
