I have been reading on Pirate about the many benefits off-road, but I am mainly concerned about the on road handling - for a change

To me the stock set up has been awesome and I am a great believer in the inherent superiority of the Rover geometry compared to Toyo, and of course, Nissan front ends - I mean, really...the bricks in my house have more flex than a Patrol front end.

But in the quest to drive trails with ever increasing levels of difficulty, I am starting to think that a custom 3 link and panhard is the go.
May I please have the considered thoughts of the Land Rover forum to help mould my decision? Right now the stock set up is serving me just fine...but that is right now.
I know that I can search and find all the answers I need, but what I am searching for is that little voice..you know the one? The one that's like a conscious? The one that is there to remind you that you may get caught doing something wrong?...Well when it comes to modding BOB - I dont hear that voice. Thats why BOB looks like this...

And not like this...