[QUOTE=Induro;324807]Well i dropped this pic in another post, a few coments so i thought i would start a new thread.

This has taken me about 6 years to put into production. why?
i've laminated arms, they broke.
i've made the dropped standard replacement laser cut arm out of mild and high tensile steel, they broke
i have made them simillar to the 3rd's style using a ChroMo spherical bearing, they broke
i've been playing with this design for a few years trying to get it right and this is the about the 10th time round and they haven't broken.
The round stuff is hollow bar with an 10mm wall, the web is 10mm mid steel (needs to twist)
the drop down is to allow more twist in the arm instead of relying on bushes, and in regard to flex pretty much every body who has used them has put back on there sway bars.
the standard arm is for a 4" lift althouogh we can change this to suit any lift from 3" up probably 10" (if you were that silly), they have a drop box which is basically the same as the one i have been doing for ages.
The Tie rod runs through the gap in the web[/QUOTE]