Are you kidding!rammer60 wrote:have seen these work on a 7" lifted troll ute, with plenty of grunt, power up steep off camber hills, down some gnarly off camber hills, and generally perform very well in a local comp in various terrain, very well. so far cant pick a negative. then stuck the bolt in n drove it home, one very happy owner

Maybe Myself "Superior", Snake, Thirds, Dobins and Nissan ( and other manufacturs i have not mentioned " apologies")should have just sold a pullout pin for $99 as a "offroad Pack " instead of the R&D we all done. We could have been millionaires

Maybe i am missing something but i need someone to explain the difference in this Setup from just pullin the bolt out of a radius arm, the public would save themselves $1500 ? Nothing negative towards the guy who posted but i cant understand it??
All i can see is way more negatives to positives and a very dangerous design. Their are heaps of better options on the market for just as much flex and heaps cheaper !