I have a 91WT Sierra with a Lockright in the front and a Mini-Spooled rear (from www.lowrangeoffroad.com).
I have had the spool in for about a year, and it has done bugger all work. I have always treated it kindly on the bitumen to avoid putting unnecessary stress on it.
The other day, while driving home from a shooting trip (only mild 4B action), the car started pulling to one side. Upon further investigation, I discovered that the rear diff was no longer locked - not good!
I took it home and pulled it apart, assuming that I had snapped an axle... What I found was very surprising - the inner spline on the the short axle side of the mini spool, has completely stripped out! The axle seems to still be in OK condition (surprisingly) however it has worn the axle splines down a little in the process.
Has anyone here had any failures like this before? I can only assume that the spool I got was a bad one, as I know heaps of people using them, who drive way harder than I do, who have had no problems!

What do you reckon?
ps - I'm looking for a replacement "short side" rear axle- PM me!!!!