My beast up here - a 1992 Ford Raider - has some problem, possibly related from some poor fuel I had earlier in the year
- Driving along, if you go under any load it stalls, has no power and dies. You can normally rev while stationary, however this has increased to basically no ability to move at all, but idles ok, to today when it stopped all together.
What I've done
- Drained fuel, new fuel filter (was absolutely chocked full), hit fuel pump with hammer

My thoughts
- Fuel pump blocked
- Fuel pump broken/faulty
- Some EFI sensor relating to fuel pressure not working
- Something else

So...... I'm pretty sure (not being a mechanic tho) it's fuel related, but... how can I tell if it's a sensor problem or the fuel pump (re the hammer my thoughts was the pump)?
Is there any way of testing this?
I assume I'll have to remove fuel tank to replace pump?
Just don't want to goto the expense of replacing the fuel pump, only to find out it was something else